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trigger warning? idk


Dear Bill,

what a friendship we've had right?
not so normal i'm my opinion.

i know i've put you through a lot.
i know this isn't going to help anything but stay strong. you're the leader of the group, i know what you can handle. don't let this bring you down.

we've had so many ups and downs.

one night you and i went out to eat. they had a karaoke machine and you signed us up to sing "mad world" and i still hate you to this day for that. but standing up there, watching you sing was a sight. you looked so careless and like nothing could stop you.

don't get me wrong, it was nice. but your singing was better. you can sing bill, use your voice. it'll get you far.

then this other night, you convinced me to skip class. i had only done it once with richie and we weren't caught. but i was still scared for this.

we walked out a side entrance and you brought me to the park. i though 'what's so cool about a park that we had to skip class" then you brought me over to the woods. you brought me on this path that looked a little sketchy. i thought you were trying to murder me to be honest.

but then you took this random turn and we ended up in this little patch of grass and flowers. i've never seen something more beautiful.

we ended up not going back to school, instead we laid in the grass and made flower crowns for all the losers. we ended up making that our spot.

when i was having a hard day i would call you and we would meet there and i instantly felt better. thank you for that.

there was this other time, my mom went out of town and you came over. we watched movies all day and you slept over. i came out to you and you were so proud of me.

i thought you would hate me, or leave and never speak to me again. but you hugged me and got up to make popcorn. you came back and we cuddled and ate popcorn.

then that one night at your house, we were in the closet and you wouldn't shut up about bev. so i kissed you and you definitely stopped talking about her.

then when i came over with Ben, we watched movies and i said how cute Ben and Bev would be together. you got mad and stood up and turned off the tv. which by the way, that was a good movie and i was trying to watch it. but we both ended up losing our virginity. but i mean, who wouldn't want to lose theirs to their best friend. sane people maybe.

but no matter what we've been through i'm glad we're friends. you mean a lot to me and i couldn't ask for a better friend.

stay strong and lead the losers to victory.

i love you Bill

Love, Eddie


bill closed the note and sobbed into his hands. mike pulled him into a hug and told him it would be okay. bill just shook his head and said, "no it's not. i love him so much and he's in pain."


authors note

in love huh?

that's all

not proofread
564 words

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