the losers club

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trigger warning


Dear losers club,

i'm sorry. i'm sorry i'm putting you guys through this. i wanted to be happy. i really did. i know i should've tried to talk to you guys, i should've tried to get help and to get better.

but don't be sad. you guys will be better without me. i never made you guys happy. you guys will forget about me in a week and find someone new to replace me. and that's okay. i want you guys to move on.

but before you move on i want to explain why i did what i did.

the main problem is my mom, i don't want to blame my sadness on her but it's true.

in seventh grade my mom forced pills down my throat and my dad was never around. i just wanted to give up.

my dad took his life and it broke me. i didn't understand why he did it. i never knew he was in pain. i was confused on why he took his life. but i get it. he tried to make the pain go away and he thought that was the only way he could.

the other day at bills house when i left early because i forgot to tell my mom, i went home and my mom was so mad. she hit me. she had never hit me before. and it wasn't just one hit. she wouldn't stop.

i always knew this day would come, i knew i wouldn't be able to hold on. i suffered from this for a while. i also suffered from self harm.

so like i said, i'm sorry. i really am. this isn't your guys' fault. i'm just not happy. i'm sorry for putting you guys through this. just don't be sad. forget about me, it'll be okay. i promise.

i love you all so much.

love, Eddie


the losers clubbed sobbed even more. but didn't say anything. they all got handed their notes and started reading,

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