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trigger warning?


Dear Beverly,

i want to start off by saying how much i love you. you mean the world to me and i'm so glad we met.

we haven't hung out in a while and i miss that. i'm going to miss you
i'm going to miss shopping with you, talking about boys, you talking about ben, our small conversations. i'm going to miss my best friend.

thank you for believing in me.
you were the first person i came out to and you made me understand that it doesn't matter who i like, i'm still me.
you accepted me instantly and i was so happy. i know this will be hard on you but please stay strong.

stay strong and kick the worlds ass. you are the strongest badass girl i know. i hate leaving you like this but it's what has to happen. take care of your self and take care of the losers.

believe in yourself because even though you may be a badass you still have that sweet side to you. never stop fighting for yourself and what you want.

thank you for opening my eyes and making me happy.

i remember this one conversation we had, i had snuck out and we met at the park. that's the night i came out. i sobbed and you pulled me in for a hug. i remember bits and parts of what you said but one thing stood out. you said,

"just because you're different doesn't make you any less human. you still have human feelings, you still have a heart, and we still love you."

i went home that night happier then ever. i finally felt accepted and good for once. and that's all because of you.
you Beverly Marsh, changed my life. you were my first friend and i would never change that for the world.

please stay strong, kick ass, and for fuck sakes. get with ben.

i love you so much Beverly

Love, Eddie


Beverly closed the note and sat by ben. she leaned her head on his shoulder and sobbed. ben just hugged her and said sweet nothings in her ear.


authors note

beverly and eddie = strong ass friendship??

that's all haha

not proofread
374 words

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