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The next morning, Mario and I dropped off Princess before he dropped me off at school. I sighed having to say goodbye again.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue. Again." He chuckled at my words and pulled me into a hug. I smiled softly hugging him.

"I'll see you soon Mani. Tonight on facetime." He kissed my head and pulled away.

"I'll see you then." I smiled. I watched him get in his car and drive off. I went to school. I mostly listened to Jamal express his concerns for Cesar while also pitching his theories about rollerworld.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked as we walked to the cafeteria.

"I'm listening Jamal. If you really think the money is out there then go for it. As for Cesar, if he  wants to be out of the gang so bad, he should be a big boy and tell Oscar that." I said as I sat down with everyone else, including my friend Megan.

"I can't just ask to be out the gang. It doesn't work that way." Cesar said.

"Why don't you talk to him since he's your baby daddy." Ruby said. I glared at him.

"Nothing I say will make a difference. But I guess I can ask."


After school, Megan came with me to pick up Princess and head to the restaurant. I told her I'd talk to Mr. Turner about getting her a job. Once we walked inside, we claimed our booth in the back. I had about ten minutes until my shift started, so I took a seat while Princess showed me her drawings. A few minutes later, Mr. Turner walked in and came over to us.

"Good afternoon ladies." Princess smiled.

"Hi Mr. Turner, I made you another flower." she smiled showing him.

"Well thank you, I'll add it to the wall." he said while taking it. He pinned it on the wall along with her other drawings. I smiled and walked over to him.

"Mr. Turner, my friend Megan over there needs a job after school, is there any way you can help her out?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course just have her fill out the application, and she can start today if she wants." He said. I smiled.

"Thank you, I'll let her know." I grabbed an application for Megan to fill out. She filled it out and spoke to Mr. Turner before she got started. I spent the beginning of my shift training her. Once she got the hang of it, I backed off. I walked over to Princess with a plate of fries with a side of carrots.

"Thank you mommy." she smiled as I put her food down.

"What about my milkshake?" she asked.

"You can get a milkshake when you eat your carrots." she pouted.

"But I want my milkshake now."

"And I want you to start eating your vegetables baby so you can get big and strong."

"It's nasty I want my milkshake!" she yelled.

"Princesa you giving your mama a hard time?" I heard Oscar ask from behind me before he sat down in the booth across from her.  She pouted.

"Mommy won't let me have a milkshake."

"Yeah? How come?"

"Because I have to eat my carrots and they're nasty." she whined. He grabbed a carrot from her plate and dipped in the ranch that I brought with it, before eating it.

"It tastes great to me Mija." she watched him but still shook her head.

"How about I make you a deal. You eat your carrots and you get your milkshake and I'll take you to the park. How does that sound?" she smiled and nodded. Oscar smiled as well and pushed the carrots over to her. I smiled as she started eating them without a problem.

"Chocolate or vanilla?" I asked her.

"Chocolate please." I smiled and shook my head. I went and made her milkshake before bringing it over. I gave it to her and took her empty plate. I kissed her head and turned to go back to work.

"You not gonna ask me if I want to order something?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Do you want something?"

"Yeah let me get a burger with fries, and a coke." I wrote it down.

"Is there anything else you want?" I asked him. He looked me up and down.

"You." I rolled my eyes walking away, until I was stopped by the people sitting in the booth right behind his. It was a group of boys I recognized from the schools football team.

"Hey you're Imani right? You're in my Spanish class." one boy said. I nodded.

"James right? Captain of the team?" I asked. He smirked licking his lips.

"That's me baby. Why don't you let me take you out sometime?"  I snorted.

"You do know I have a kid right?" he smiled and shrugged.

"I know. I got one too. Look take my number and think it over okay?" he asked while writing it down.

"I will think it over." I said taking the paper. I then took their orders and got back to work. A few minutes later, I went to check on Princess and Oscar. I smiled seeing she ate all her food.

"Ready for the park now?" Oscar asked her. She smiled and nodded happily. Oscar picked her up and walked right passed me.

"See you later mommy!" Princess smiled and waved over his shoulder. I smiled and waved back.

"Have fun baby." I watched them leave.

"I saw you talking to James." Megan smirked when I got back to the kitchen.

"Yeah he gave me his number. Did you know he has a kid?"

"Yeah everyone knew. He's two and his name is Jordan." She smiled. "Are you going to talk to him?" she asked.

"Maybe I don't know yet."

"You should. It'll be good for you and you can get over Oscar."

I do want to get over Oscar. He has a baby on the way and a crazy ass baby mama. I don't have time for that. Maybe giving James a chance will be good for me.


Hey guys, I just want to take this time to speak up about the things going on in our world right now. America is slowly opening back up after going through a tragic pandemic that took many lives. Now, America is tackling another threat. Racism. A problem that's been a problem for too long. For too long, Black and Brown people, human beings, have been oppressed, angry, and hurt from being beaten and killed by racists. The black community and friends of the black community are making sure that the anger and frustration and the pain is known. Signing petitions, donating, and protesting are ways you can either show your support, or share your frustration. I live in New York City and so far have joined two protests and I can tell you first hand what a great feeling it is to be out there making your voice heard. If you are a person who doesn't see the problem at hand then you can go ahead and unfollow.

America has a president who thinks its okay to mock and call victims of racism and police brutality "thugs". He thinks it's okay to scare people with big guns, sound cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas, and National Guards. Some people say America evolved but I don't see a difference between now and 60 years ago. Or 60 years before that. A presidents job in the middle of a crisis is to reassure their people and make them feel safe. Donald Trump has done the complete opposite. I encourage everyone who can, to vote, and sign petitions to demand the justice of the police officers who have killed innocent black people and got away with it.

Say Their Names,

George Floyd

Breonna Taylor

Sandra Bland

Trayvon Martin

Eric Garner

And sadly so many others. This has to stop.

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