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A/N: I am so sorry y'all, life been kicking my ass, but I see how much you guys like this book 30k??? I can't say thank you enough 😩, I'm gonna try to give yall another long ish chapter today or tomorrow ❤️


Oscar left again and I stayed up with a bad feeling in my stomach. When my phone started to ring in the middle of the night, I was up to answer it.


"Imani, you might hear something tomorrow but I'm telling you now, it's not true. I had to kill Latrelle but I didn't. I told him to disappear. He should be gone by now."

I let out a breathe and rubbed my face, trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing.

"Okay, alright, thank you Cesar. For sparing him and for telling me. I'm
so sorry you were put in that position in the first place." I told him.

"Yeah." He said before ending the call.

I hoped Oscar wouldn't come back here tonight. I don't think I would stay calm enough to speak to him cordially right now. I knew he was the one to give Cesar the order. The asshole.

I stayed up not being able to sleep after that. My mind was just racing. I knew Megan was asleep by now. Probably Mario too. I sighed to myself and went on the porch to smoke. I looked around and noticed Flacko was still parked across the street. I shook my head getting ready to go over and say something, until I noticed him getting out and walking over.

"Why are you still watching me?" I asked.

"Boss' orders. He said shit going down, somebody gotta keep an eye on you and his kid when he's not here."

"My kid. And her name is Princess."

"My bad." He said with a his hands up.

"Look, I don't need a body guard. The Prophets won't touch me, the Santos won't hurt Princess."

"They might hurt you." He shrugged. "But that's why I'm here." He said.

"Why do you do what he tells you like a little -"

"Don't." He said with a glare before I could even get the first letter out. I chuckled softly.

"Struck a nerve there Flacko?"

"Look not that I owe your nosey ass an explanation, but Spooky saved my life. For that I owed him. I was a busy man before he dragged me into this. But he knows I'm good at watching people."

"So I've noticed."

"You think I enjoy watching you everyday?" He asked, his face getting serious.

"I don't know-"

"I've gone from simply watching you for Spooky, to wanting to know if you're safe when I can't see you, for my own sake. I hate how Oscar is with you because I know you deserve better. You're an amazing fucking girl, a good mother. You have your whole life ahead of you, do something with it. Be that example you never had and don't get deeper into this shit."

"I appreciate that, I really wish you'd stop watching my every move though, you wanna hangout with me just say that." I joked.

He chuckled softly.

"I'm gonna talk to Oscar when I see him. I agree this has gone on long enough."

I smiled softly and stood up going back in the house.

"Goodnight Flacko."

"Sweet dreams Imani."


I got Princess up early enough to get her washed and fed before I started her hair. She was way too exited to dress up for the Quince. 

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