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"You such a fucking hypocrite. You was so over what I do, what your fathers doing, and now you're out there selling for him?" Oscar said glaring at me from across the table. His voice was low, but I knew if Princess wasn't in the next room asleep, he'd be barking at me.

Flacko had drove me back to the house after the incident, where Oscar was waiting outside to chew my ass out. I sat at the table with my arms crossed feeling like a child getting scolded by their dad.

"I needed to get out that house and this is a quick way to do it with money I went out and made."

"Fuck that!" He snapped. "What the fuck do you think I'm here for Imani? I told you I'd help you find a place, and you know you could've been staying with me."

"You, me, our daughter, the bitch you knocked up, what? We'll be one big happy family? That's what you want right?"

He got in my face causing me to roll my eyes.

"She's not even here right now and you still making up excuses. You know you got no business selling dope for fucking prophets. You not doing that shit no more. I'll get you and Princess a place myself. But I don't need you out in the streets risking your life and freedom when you got more important shit to worry about."

I scoffed at his words.

"And I'm the hypocrite? This is a lot of advice coming from an ex con still doing work. You have some nerve."

"Don't talk to me about shit. You kept my daughter from me for four fucking years."

"You rather her first memory of you be behind a visitors glass?"

"What you want from me? You want me to go to college like your boyfriend Mario? That's the type of example you want right? Next time have his fucking kid."

"Where did that come from?" I chuckled in disbelief.

"What you think I don't know about you and Mario? You think I didn't see that shit coming for years now?"

"There's nothing going on with Mario and I."

"So nothing happened between you two?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Yes, something happened. It was the first and only time. We're just friends. Who's giving you this information?"

"That's my business."

I scoffed, "You-"

"You wanna be with Mario?" He asked, cutting me off.

I sighed, "Oscar, why-"

"Yes or no Mani. I really don't wanna hear shit else."

"No. I don't want to be with Mario, I don't want to be with anyone right now. My focus is on me, my senior year and our daughter."

He nodded.
"Well Isabella will be back a couple days. I thought I should let you know." He said.

"Noted. I'll be sure to stay out your way."

"You don't have to be like that. I talked to her and made it clear that you and Princess is apart of my life too. She's just gonna have to deal with that." He said.

"Just tell her to watch her mouth around me when it comes to me and Princess."


"So he got you an apartment?" Mario asked over our face time call.

I was walking behind Oscar, glaring holes into the back of his round ass head. He had Princess on his shoulders wearing a school jersey in honor of today's football game, but it clearly was way too big for her.

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