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I got everyone settled in, then started getting ready to go out. I changed my clothes and grabbed a light jacket when Flacko text me he was outside.

 I changed my clothes and grabbed a light jacket when Flacko text me he was outside

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I made my way over to the car and got in. Once I made myself comfortable, I noticed him looking me over and licking his lips.

"Why do you do this to me Mani?" He said shaking his head. I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged him.

"Can we go?" He smiled at me and nodded.

"Yeah we're ready." He told the driver. He nodded and drove off.

"So everybody settle in okay?" He asked.

"For the most part I think. The couch has a pullout so, Cesar sleeps there. Mario is gonna work on getting him and Amber an actual bed and they'll pitch in with groceries. We're gonna discuss all the other details later." He nodded.

"And what about when Spooky comes home to a house full of people? One of which he already doesn't want there, and I'm guessing he probably wouldn't want you and Mario under the same roof again."

"Well he'll have to get over it and there's nothing going on between Mario and I. Plus, Oscar's been away this long, the most I'm expecting is him picking up his daughter."

"He'll get it together. He knows not screw up any more. I believe that." He said.

"I hope so." I said. "Now let's avoid speaking of the bald headed bastard for the rest of the night please."

He chuckled. "No problem."

We chatted the rest of the way there, and about twenty minutes later, we arrived at a house in which the party was already in full swing.

Flacko thanked the driver as we got out, before leading me inside. A few people greeted him as we made our way through the crowd of people and into the kitchen.

From what I could tell, the owners were well off. The house was big, and nicely decorated with things I couldn't afford.

Once we got into the kitchen, I watched him make me a cocktail before making one of his own.

I downed my cup with him watching me, before he finished his own drink.

"I hope you know I plan to dance. A lot."

"I don't dance but I'm not gonna stop you." He said. I had another drink and watched as a couple dudes approached him.

"Where have you been puto?" One of the guys asked.

"I been around. You know me." Flacko responded.

"Who's this with you?" The guy asked looking me up and down.

"This is Imani. Imani this is Henry. We use to do business together."

"Yeah till Flacko found something better. Still won't let nobody in on it. Can't blame you though." The guy chuckled. Flacko said nothing for a while, just looking at Henry.

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