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I dropped Princess off at school and went to pick up Megan.

"Has Oscar said anything about me staying with you?" Cesar asked from the backseat.

"No and he's not going too. He knows I'm not gonna just let you sleep on the street and he doesn't really want to hurt you believe it or not."

"Yeah well it doesn't seem that way."

"I know."

We picked up Megan and she got in the car instantly reading me off a list.

"So we have cheer practice after school all week and we need to work off the holiday weight before prom, which will be here before we know it. I don't have a dress or a date and I need your help and I don't wanna hear any excuses because you have an abuelita from Heaven to make you a dress, and multiple date options." She huffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Mario and I planned to go to my prom together years ago around the same time abuelita said she'd make my dress."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Anyway..." she continued on with her list of plans for the rest of the school year.


After cheer practice, Megan and I headed to my car after saying bye to the rest of the girls. I stopped when I noticed Mateo leaning against my car. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to him.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" I gave Megan the keys to get in the car.

"I haven't heard from you all day." He said. I jerked my head back.

"I was at school. Then I had cheer practice. My day gets a little busy and I have a daughter I have to make sure is picked up on time and safe. Showing up here because I didn't speak to you for one day, is a little crazy Flacko."

He chuckled softly.
"We back to that already huh?"

"Yeah since you're back to acting like a stalker. See you later Flacko." I shook my head before getting in my car and dropped Megan off.

"That was Flacko? And you haven't humped that man yet? Are you crazy?" Megan asked making me laugh a little.

"I wanted to, admittedly I was drunk but I still wanted it. He said we should wait, but if he's gonna be acting crazy already it's only gonna get worse. I have enough crazy in my life as is."

"True. You heard from your brother?" She asked.

"Nope. I'm glad but I still worry." She nodded.

"Yeah that's understandable. I still can't believe he did that." She said. I shook my head.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Are you going to the Valentine Day dance?" She asked.

"I haven't decided yet."

"You should, I'm getting my ticket tomorrow I can get yours too, and I happen to have a brand new dress I can't fit that'll fit you perfectly. Come on please. You can be my date." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Fine. Just for you." She giggled and clapped making me smile. I dropped her off and hugged her before I headed home. I walked in to my house a complete mess. Mostly the kitchen. Amber, Princess, and Cesar were trying making dinner I assumed. The smoke alarm was going off, there was pasta sauce every where and noodles on the ceiling. I walked to Princess' old room to see Mario knocked out. I huffed and went to the kitchen.

"Wasn't my fault." Cesar started.

"Hi mommy look!" Princess smiled and pointed to the smiley face she made in the sauce on the floor, which she was also covered in.

"Imani I am so sorry, I just wanted to do something nice for you, I didn't mean for it to get this bad, everything started off great then bam!" Amber cried. I turned the stove off and opened the window to let the smoke out.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Why don't you get cleaned up and we'll order pizza instead." She nodded heading to the bathroom. I let Cesar get changed in my room while I washed Princess up in the sink. She told me about her day as I cleaned her up.

I got her dry and dressed into her pajamas. Amber calmed down and helped me clean the kitchen, even though I told her no multiple times. The pizza arrived and they all ate and fell asleep. I finally had a moment to myself so I went outside to smoke. A few minutes later, Mario came out with a stretch and a yawn before sitting next to me. I snorted.

"You're the worst." I teased.

"What did I do now?" He asked before taking the joint from me and booping my nose.

"Nothing at all." I shook my head and checked my phone when I heard a text.

Flacko🙄: mani I'm sorry...
Flacko🙄: you make me a little crazy but I hope I didn't freak you out.
Flacko🙄: I like being around you but I won't force it, call me when you're ready.

I sighed putting my phone down.

"Oscar?" Mario asked. I shook my head.

"Flacko. He came by the school today because I didn't text him. For one day. So it kinda freaked me out a bit."

"Yeah if you don't know by now that those are the type of guys you need to stay away from, I don't know if you'll ever learn."

"Oscar may be an asshole but he's not that bad."

"I'm not talking about Oscar. I'm talking about the one you don't like to talk about." He said causing me to sigh.


"He's getting out soon. You know that right? You're gonna have to talk about him soon enough."

"Well I rather not right now. Okay?" He sighed and wrapped me up in his arms.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"I ask myself that question about you all the time." I said, making him laugh.

"Seriously though Mani. You and Princess deserve the world. I'll keep reminding you if I have to. You deserve a guy that wants to get up everyday to try and give you that. I know a part of you likes that crazy shit but, you don't need it."

I turned to look at him to see him already looking at me. He seemed to be leaning in at first, until Caesar came outside looking for toilet paper. I quickly got up and followed him in the house. I took a glance back outside to see Mario still watching. He smiled softly which I returned. I then cursed to myself, feeling my face heat up.

My Spooky // On My BlockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin