Way back

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"We have to find a way off this planet" Nebula spoke up, breaking the silence between the 4 of us.

Tony slightly nodded. I could not bear looking at him. He's.... broken. He did not utter a single word and he kept looking down at his palms.

I noticed that his wound began to bleed again and immediately approached him.

"Tony lie down" I said in concern.

He tried to resist at first but he eventually did.

I remembered Strange telling me that I am able to use my ability to heal.

I hovered my hand above his wound. This can end in 2 ways, one is me looking like an idiot. The other is me discovering something new about my abilities.

I closed my eyes and focused on trying to close up the wound. I let my powers flow out through my hand.

"Oh my god" Loki said, in shock.

oh my god

I did it. I actually did it.

The wound closed up. I could see the shocked expressions on all three of them.

I stared at my hands. I can heal. I can save so many people with this. I know having this abilities are amazing, but healing? Its kind of a miracle.

I felt slightly drained after doing that, but I shook it off.

"How?" Tony looked at me, confused.

I shrugged.

"I'm still as confused. But I need you to rest, we'll find a way back"

"Thanks" Tony half smiled.

"We have, its you" Loki looked at me.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Your abilities came from the tesseract, correct? And one of the main usage of it is to teleport"

Right. Strange also told me about this, but I have lesser hope on this actually being real.

"So, there is a very high chance you are able to do so, right?" Nebula looked at me.

I raised both my eyebrows.

"How? It seems impossible" I looked at them.

"Impossible? (Y/N), you just healed a deep wound with your bare hands. And you're saying this is impossible?" Loki looked at me in disbelief.

Well..... He isn't wrong.

But I still can't grasp the idea of teleportation.

How do I do it? How does it work?

Is it the same way as how Stephen uses his magic to teleport? Or do I just think of the place and I'll magically appear there?

"I don't know how to" I sighed.

"Try, there's no harm in that" Tony gave me a gentle smile. "And in the meantime, Nebula and I will try to see how much of that we can salvage and hopefully get it to work" He looked at the damaged spaceship.

I nodded.

I looked at Loki who had a grin on his face.

He honestly never fails to amaze me. What can possibly be so good that he is happy in a time like this?

"I honestly have no idea why are you smiling like that" I looked at him and sighed in disappointment.

He shook his head. "Honestly, (y/n). You just remind me so much of the Tesseract"

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in disbelief.

Whats up with this guy and his love for that Infinity stone?

"Well I don't know Loki. Maybe its because I'm technically got all my powers from it?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him in disappointment.

He chuckled and sighed.

I felt a change in his mood. How do I know? I can sense it with my powers.

"What's wrong" I approached him.

He pressed his lips and brushed me off.

"Come on Loki. I don't want to read your mind"

"Hmm" He looked at me.

"I can read minds and I made a promise to myself that I won't read minds of those I trust" I shrugged.

"You trust me?" He asked, surprised.

"Why wouldn't I? You're the one that helped me when Thanos messed with my mind" 

He smiled slightly. "Well, I feel like an outcast. There, I said it. People will never stop looking at me as a villain, as Thor's evil brother. I just want people to see me as... a good person.I just want to help defeat the bad guy"

"Hey, I know its hard but accepting something new is difficult for people. And it will definitely take time for them to get used to it. What's important is you know that you're good and we do too. I know what you did in the past wasn't right, and hey, I can't judge what you did. I don't know your backstory. But that is all in the past now" I rest my hand on his shoulder and smiled softly.

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now