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"I feared this day would come" He sighed.

"We are in deep trouble, and if. If Thanos gets all the stones, we're done"  Strange said to me.

He was, scared.

We were on the rooftop, just the both of us and he's scaring the hell out of me.

"I need you to, I need you to answer this question. Honestly" He looked at me.

I nodded.

"Are you willing to put your life in the line, to defeat Thanos? To prevent this universe to crumble because of his madness? Do you have second thoughts of being here? Do you, do you want to walk away from this, if you have the chance to do so?"

I looked at him, confused, concerned.

"Stephen" I sighed.

"My life, was dull and terrible. Stuck with a job I didn't like, living in a shitty apartment and somehow still not being able to pay the rent. Then, then all this happened, just like that, in a span of a week, I got a job, which yes, was to do something bad. But we're already past that. Then now I have this abilities, which I was scared of, but now? I feel, I feel honored to be standing here, with you, and with the rest of the Avengers.  Something which I never imagined would ever happen" I smiled.

"I've never done anything right my entire life. And now, I would do anything, to give my life a purpose, a meaning. So if you're asking me, if I'm willing to risk my life to defeat this crazy bad guy? Then the answer is yes, Strange. I would"

He was, well. Speechless.

"You're... Different (y/n)" He said, after a while.

"Well, right now I'm still not at my best. I have lots more to learn about my abilities from you, master" I said dramatically.

He chuckled.

"Yes, yes we do. And I'm sure this is you leave favorite part" He grinned.

I looked at him, what does he mean by my favorite part---wait.

"Wanda we need you. We're on the rooftop" Strange said through the communication device.

"Oh no" I panicked.

"You gotta learn somehow, (y/n)" He said playfully.

The one thing that I hate the most : height.

And he wants me to use my abilities to FLY?

Let's see how this goes.


Quentin's POV

"Okay everyone chop chop we have no time. A crazy person wants (y/n) dead and also wants the universe to be destroyed. I don't know I'm still confused about that " I gathered the team.

"We need to create holograms of us, to look as if we're here. But we aren't. We'll be leaving this place in the shortest time, so we have to work our asses of"

"Sasha, honey. Do get me a coffee before I turn into a monster" I asked.

This has been one of the most craziest day of my life.

But the one thing I can't stop smiling about is because (y/n) feels the same as how I feel towards her.

And I would protect her at all costs.

This Thanos guy is really asking for it isn't he? He wants to kill (y/n)? I ain't letting that happen. Who the hell does he think he is?

I started working with the team to make sure it all goes well.

The fact that Parker acknowledged me, made me feel...... Appreciated? I really gotta get to know him more.

"Anna, Irene, Lisa and Rick. Start setting up the projectors around the facility" I ordered them.

We've been working our asses for almost three hours.

Gotta say this is a huge achievement for the team.

I looked around to see if (y/n) was around but I couldn't see her.

The rest of the Avengers were busy preparing and planning on what to do.

"How's it going Beck" I turned to see Tony walking towards me.

"Were almost done Stark" I stood in front of me.

"That's impressive" He said, looking around.

"You guys already decided on what to do?" I asked.

"Yeah, about that" He walked around the workplace.

"We are going to go to a place called Wakanda. They have warriors and armies there, and agreed to help us. About your team. We don't want to risk anything happening to any of you, so you'll be going home after this" He said.

I looked at him.

"Well, that's. I mean, yeah I suppose that's the best thing to do, they're just doing their job, that's it. It's best not to involve the team in this" I said.

"Do you, want to. I don't know, be on our team?" He fiddled with a pen that was on the table .

"I mean, it's fine if you don't want to come, it's dangerous----"

"As much as I would love to stay away from all this, Stark. I think I owe you, you know, for giving me another chance, instead of throwing me in a jail or something" I said.

"Oh no, Quentin. It's not about that" He shook his head.

"I just think you'll be a great team member if you decide to come along of course" He said.

Should I? 

I asked myself.

(y/n) is in danger, I would do anything for her. I can't bear to see anything happening to her.

I brought my hand forward to shake Tony's hand.

"I'm in" I looked at him.

He raised his eyebrows, then proceeded to shake my hand.

"Welcome aboard Quentin" He smiled.

"Also, once you're done with Everything . Come see me upstairs in my office" I nodded.


Author's note

Hey thereee! I'm so so sorry for not updating for so long! I'm really busy with school and exams! :/

I hope you like this chapter and I will try my best to update whenever I can, ily all so much.

Don't forget to vote and comment! ❤

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt