Don't stop

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"The key is to always bear in mind that your powers can get hard to control, and it can be dangerous"

I nodded.

"Let's do it again" Wanda said as we both got into position.

"Remember, block the attack, not absorb" I nodded.

He powers were flowing from her hand as she got ready to attack me.

I put my hands in front of me, focusing to make a shield.

"Ready?" She asked.

I smiled at her "You know I'm not"

She hit me with her powers, but I manage to successfully block it.

I thought she would stop at one, but NOPE

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I thought she would stop at one, but NOPE.

She continued blasting, and got hit a little but I brushed it off.

"Remember, (y/n). Your attacker isn't going to stop at one hit"

"Got it!" I said, out of breath.

I slowly got the hang of it and halfway through, I tried to hit her too. I mean if I'm fighting someone, I can't just be blocking their attacks.

I really love the way Wanda is training me, she keeps pushing me and being hard on me so I learn faster.

I'm not saying Strange isn't strict, but Wanda is more spirit lifting to train with.

We lightly fought for a couple of rounds before stopping for the day.

"It was nice training with you. I mean there's no one around here who shared the same set of powers I have, so you're a good change. And you're really powerful, and I'm sure your powers are much stronger than that" She smiled.

I looked at her. "Well, you're definitely stronger" I chuckled. "I look forward to fighting bad guys with you, just so we can kick ass together"

She had a wide smile on her face."And I look forward to that too"

"What? You girls are having a meeting without me? Got to say I'm taken aback"

Natasha Romanoff


Is now standing beside me, AND IM PROBABLY GOING TO DIE.

"Hi, (y/n). I'm Natasha, nice to have you around here, heard a lot about you" She smiled and side hugged me.


"We girls really need to stick together, show the men who's boss. Honestly, not a single proper decision can be made around here without me. Children everywhere" She shook her head.

Wanda and I chuckled.

The 3 of us talked for quite some time before we continued doing what we were supposed to do.

Well for me, basically nothing.

Strange still has not come back, gotta say I'm slightly worried

As I was walking back to my room, a hand grabbed my arm.

I instantly knew who it was.

I slowly turned around, facing him.

We both maintained eye contact for a while.

"We need to have a talk" He said, expressionless.

I felt uneasy when he said that.

"Tonight, at 8pm. Outside, don't be late" And with that, he walked off.

No expression on his face, at all. Nothing.

No anger, no sadness, just black.

Not the Quentin I fell in love with.

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now