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2 days later

I watched Quentin and the crew set up the lab, but from a distance, of course.

I still don't have the courage to talk to him.

Every part of me is begging me to go talk to him.

I miss him, even though I did see him yesterday.

But you know what I mean.

"Morning , (y/n)" Tony approached me.

I smiled at him.

"Talked to him yet?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Honestly, I don't think he ever wants to talk to me again" I sighed.

"It's worth a shot don't you think? Plus, you both would make a great couple" He patted my shoulder and walked away.

I looked at him, shook as hell.

Wait what.

Did he just---

Yes, yes he did.

I shook my head and smiled to myself.

I can still remember the way he looked at me yesterday, with pure hatred. And how he yelled at me.

Yeah, yeah I kinda know Tony told me that he was just in a state of shock. But I still have to understand that I broke his trust.

And its hard to make someone gain your trust, if you've hurt them before.

I sighed as I walked outside, as I promised strange I would.

Yes, more training

Should I tell him about the dream I had?

I mean, as I said, it could be nothing.

Ah screw it I'll just tell

What's the worse that can happen? He will just think I'm going crazy.

He was already outside, just standing.

I approached him.

"Strange?" I called him.

He turned and looked towards me.

I stared at him in horror as his eyes were completely black, and he had a sinister smile on his face.

I took a few steps back and bolted towards the facility.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Bucky ran towards me.

I panted and turned to look at where 'Stephen' was.

No one.

I closed my eyes and calmed myself.

What the hell did I saw?

That was definitely not him.

"I, oh God. I was supposed to meet Stephen outside. I approached him, but. I don't know, it wasn't him" I looked at Bucky, scared.

"What?" Stephen said from behind.

Bucky and I stepped away from him.

I looked at him, his eyes were normal and so was his facial expressions.

What the hell is happening.

"Were you outside just now?" I asked him.

He frowned, "No I was talking with Stark"

"I swear, you were outside. Your eyes were..... It was all, black and there was this scary smile on your face" I said in horror.

He had a scared expression on his face. As if..... He knew something.

"I'll, I'll be back soon. (y/n), Wanda will help you with your powers" And with that he teleported to wherever he wanted to go.

Bucky and I exchanged glances.

"That wizard scares me" He looked at me.

"Well now whatever that was outside, it's going to give me nightmares" I shook my head.

"I'll talk Steve to make sure the facility is secured, to avoid any security breach " Bucky informed me.

I nodded.

I then went to find Wanda, to practice.

I did try to look around for Beck, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now