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"I can do this, I can do this" Peter kept repeating after himself.

Tony and I exchanged glances.

He shook his head. "Teenagers"

I nodded in agreement.

"He's going to mess everything up" Strange whispered.

"Jesus, calm down Stephen. He's a kid" I chuckled.

"Sir I think he's already there" A voice spoke through Tony's suit.

We looked at Peter.

"Come on kid, that's your call" Tony called Peter.

We walked towards the door of the Sanctum and Peter ran outside.

"Goodluck kid" Strange said.

"Yeah, okay, okay I'll just be cool" He did a mini jog and then used his web to swing.

"So, you have powers, huh?" Tony looked at me.

"Only had it for 2 days so far, but yeah" I nodded.

"Can't believe the teserract is still on earth, Thor brought it back to Asgard years ago and somehow it ended up here again" He crossed his arms.

"Was on earth, someone stole it, it's not on earth anymore" Strange looked at us.

"Loki" Tony snapped his fingers. "Definitely him"

Strange didn't answer, as if he knew something.

"You're a wizard right? Can you look into the future or something, with your stone thing?" Tony asked.

Strange raised his eyebrows, "And why this sudden question?"

"Meh, I don't know. Been having weird dreams that something bad is going to happen. Probably just me" Tony shrugged.

"Are you okay, Stark?" Stephen looked at Tony.

"Yea, yeah I'm fine" He said nervously.

"Yeah guys whatever this is, it looks VERY VERY real" Peter said shockingly.

"I already told you Peter, it isn't real" I said back through the communication device.

"Just do what we told you to do kid, nothing more or less" Tony said.

"Sounds like he's creating a lot of damage, (y/n)" Tony looked at me.

"Oh the sound effects are crazy, Quentin made sure that everything was perfect"

The three of us made small conversations whole Peter was literally facing off with Quentin.

"Guys, the fight is over, he's approaching me, please hurry I don't want to die" Peter said, with a scared tone.

"Shall we?" Stephen looked at me.

I nodded nervously, Quentin, please don't hate me.

He opened a portal and we walked through it.

I'm mentally preparing myself to face him.

Oh God this is a bad idea, my stomach was turning, and I felt light headed. J can't do this.

Too late

Quentin had a shocked expression on his face as he looked at all of us, and it quickly changed into anger.

Oh God.

I looked down, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Stark" Quentin said with pure Hatred.

"Quentin, it's nice too see you doing something productive with your life. Planning to take revenge on me? Interesting" Tony crossed his arms.

"Did she tell you about all this" Quentin asked, but didn't make any contact with me.

"Actually I already knew about it, I'm a wizard after all" Stephen stepped up.

"Quentin, I ca--" I spoke.

"No. I don't want to hear anything from you. Liar!" He yelled at me.

I flinched when he said that.

Tears were ready to fall anytime.

"I trusted you, I really, really did, (y/n). And this is what you do?! I thought we had something, now I can't even look at you" He stepped back as I tried to approach him.

That's it, I broke. My tears are now flowing down my face as I tried to calm myself.

"Alright big guy, that's enough. No need to put the blame on her" Tony stood in front of me.

"You think you're so great, Stark? You ruined m---"

"I'm going to stop you right there Quentin, we'll have this conversation later. Strange if you could?" Tony looked at Strange.

He opened a portal that leads to the Avengers Base.

Quentin glared at me angrily before walking into the portal.

What have I done?

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now