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"You're going to, what? Arrest me now?" Quentin looked at Tony, with anger raging in his eyes.

I sat in the corner of the 'interrogation room' and didn't say a word, I couldn't. I'm too broken and confused to do so.

"No Beck I'm not going to arrest you stop saying that" Tony said, frustrated.

"Look, Stark. I don't want you to pity me or whatever bullshit is going on. I don't want any part of whatever you're offering " He looked at me.

I looked away,

Think of something , (y/n).

"Think it through Quentin" Strange said.

"I am trying to help you out here Beck, stop being annoying" Tony crossed his arms

"Tony, Stephen. Can I have a while with him" I stood up.

Tony paused for a while and then nodded.

He walked towards me and said softly "Don't let you emotions get to you, okay? And maybe talking some sense into him will be great too" He winked and they both walked out.

I sat across Quentin, with my heart racing like hell.

What am I supposed to do what am I supposed to ask

I was frozen, scared.

Get your shit together (y/n)

"Are you going to just sit there or?" He asked rudely.

"Quentin please stop with this attitude" I quickly responded.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh so now you're mad at me? Me?" He chuckled.

"You're. A liar. I trusted you, so much. And look where that got me" He leaned closer to me.

"Your life was nothing before I gave you this job. You used me didn't you? You think you're great now? Huh? Are you happy now (y/n)?! Are you happy, that you ruined fucking life?!" He yelled at me.

I stood up, backed away, and turned around, in shock and fear.

I let my tears fall.

"You think I did this on purpose, Quentin?" I said, wiping my tears.

"I didn't want you to end up being a bad guy, a villain. I had to stop this before it was too late. Why? Because I care for---"

"Ah, bullshit. You don't care for me, no one ever does! Don't try to feed me your sob story" He said.

But what was even more shocking, is that he was on the verge of tears.

"Jesus Christ, Quentin, you're an idiot you know that? I do care for you, more than any fucking thing in this world, whether you like it or not. And I've only known you for like what? Three goddamn days?! I want what's best for you. You're a good person Quentin, I know you are. You can do so much better things with your skills and knowledge, and be recognized for something great, not for doing something evil" I said it all in one breath.

"What? You want me to work for Stark? What do you think that makes me look like (y/n)? He's probably out there making a fool out of me" He crossed his arms.

"That's not true. And no you don't have to work for Tony. He's just here to guide you and provide you with everything you need. No one is going to boss you around, no one is going to steal your ideas. Everything you do and create, it will be under your name, and will be used for the greater good. Trust me Quentin, Tony is a good guy. Give him a chance" I looked at him.

He looked away and sighed.

"I need time" He said blankly.

"You have all the time you want, and I'll wait"

"Yeah, yeah" He said, still not looking at me.

I glanced at him one more time before leaving the room.

I know for a fact that our relationship or whatever connection we had, is now down the drain.


Author's Note

Hi there!! Don't forget to vote and comment, I really appreciate it!

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now