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The ride to Wakanda was awfully silent.

I was too scared, too traumatized and worried to do anything.

I had a few bruises from the fight just now but I'm too stressed out to think about myself.

"You okay?" Quentin asked for the thousandth time.

"I don't know Quentin, just stop asking----" I stressed up and walked away from him.

God that was a jerk move.

I sighed.

He looked away.

"Quentin I'm sorry, I didn't mean it I just" I covered my face, feeling guilty as hell.

"It's fine" He shook if off.

"I just, this is all still hard for me to take in. And, I'm going to die in a matter of days, even hours, who knows?" I said.

"Why are you saying that?" Quentin walked up to me.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's going to happen, eventually. I've seen Thanos, Quentin. I've talked to him. He's determined, he knows what he's doing"

"He's going to get to me, and he's going to end me. Strange told that Thanos is already the most powerful being in the universe, he has two stones, probably more now"

"I am not going to let that happen, and you know it, (y/n)" He said to me.

"The whole team, we're going to face him together, we will survive this" He said to me.

"And what if we don't" I looked at him.

He didn't say anything.

"Were approaching Wakanda" The automated voice said.

"Where?" Quentin asked.

Exactly. Where?

There was nothing, just empty land.

"Oh, of course" Quentin pressed his lips.

We passed some kind of, honestly I don't know.

But it's as if we entered a portal.

There were tall buildings and stuff everywhere.

"Wow" I said, amazed.

The Quinjet landed and we got out.

The rest of the team were waiting for us.

They rushed towards us.

"Are you okay?" Wanda rushed towards me, looking at the bruises.

I shook it off.

"I'm fine" I looked at her.

"The three of them are in space now, I tried to contact them, but I failed" I shook my head.

"Come on, let's get you both inside" Steve put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm T'Challa, king of Wakanda, and my sister Shuri" He introduced himself.

I nodded.

"I'm (y/f/n)"

"Quentin Beck"

We shook hands and followed the rest.

We entered into a room with a huge table in the middle, probably a meeting room, I don't know, and we took a seat.

"We would be honored to provide any help, if we get to know what is actually the threat, of course" T'Challa said.

"On the way here, we fought a few of Thanos' men" Quentin said.

"The reason they were there, was to eliminate me and quite possibly to take the stone from Dr Strange" I spoke up.

"Eliminate you specifically?" T'Challa asked.

"Yes" I said.

"She has, powers, and Thanos sees her as a threat" Wanda looked at me.

Everything started to become blurry as their voices drifted away.

I began to breathe harder and I quickly stood up.

"(y/n)?" Quentin looked at me.

"I, uh. I'll be back, I need space" I said as I walked out of the room.

I looked around to find a place where it was empty and calmed myself.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Are you scared?" Wanda appeared behind me.

"You could have done more, you could have saved us" Strange held my shoulder.

What. The. Hell.

"You let us die!" Quentin yelled.

I closed my ears and teared up.

"Stop, Thanos! I know you're here. I won't fall for this, show yourself!" I yelled.

Everything became silent.

"You're a brave one aren't you?" I heard his voice from behind me.

I sighed.

Face him, (y/n). You're strong.


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How is the story so far? There's a lot more to come so stay tuned!

Mysterio X Reader // Part 1 A New Life ✔️ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now