Chapter 6

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Tajee POV
"Taj" i felt someone shaking me "its time to wake up!" i covered my head with the pillow trying to get my mind and emotion under control first time it was the bathroom and then my fucking dreams. "Ants...wake up now.....we have school in a hour" Shante fussed
I rolled my eyes "jus give me a few minutes ok" I pleaded. With a slight headache I crawled out of bed to find a half ready Shante hanging my uniform on the bedroom door handle. "Wild night? " she asked with while arching her thick brows at me
  " girl bye two day mi a drink for and mi just no feel up fi today nor you and yuh weirdness" I defended not wanting to get into the fucked up dream I had
     " yuh sure anno jus the hickey on yuh neck blocking the blood flow to yuh brain? " she asked has she tend to her hair in the mirror " who knew all it took was to introduce you to Justin to get you out if your shell..." she laughed " nobody but shante Goodazzz!!!!" With a feeling of dread filling me i ran into the bathroom to check on my now burning neck only to find it laced with big black and red marks that I always found to be tacky on my peers. " So that wasnt a dream then" I whispered to myself while trying to stop the tears that threatened to leave my eyes. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Shante hugging me "Why yuh crying? " the sternness in her voice and the serious look on her face could kill any man " Sis plz tell mi you got those willingly and not by force because mi plan fi go jail today." She gritted out and knowing her she wasnt lying. Before things could get out of hands I tried to calm her down
" it was but my head was in the fucking clouds I really thought I was dreaming Shan !" I cried "how the hell mi mek this happen, mi not even know him dat well." She held me and soothed my hair from my sweaty face " hoe take a bath and get ready for school ok...its nothing to beat yourself up over mi know Jus wouldn't hurt you intentionally." And some how I knew it too.
    After spending more than thirty mins in the bathroom i was now ready for school but dreading that anyone would make out wats on my neck under the thick layer of concealer. I entered the kitchen to find three pairs of eyes staring at me " mi think mi did affi go come drag yuh from out that room enno" Jason chastised " come eat something so we can leave " he said while handing me a plate of scrambled eggs and pancake.
    " Thanks... but I am not feeling hungry" I told him with making eye contact. I could feel the staring at me and it made me uncomfortable " Jason you and shante can head out because Taj is driving with me" Justin declared and without hesitation the two monkeys  left me standing in the kitchen still in shock of the overly confident giant.
  " You need to sit down and eat, if not you will be late for school." I opened my mouth to speak but he cutted me off "I am your only ride to school so let's see if you wanna be stuck here with me all day..."he got up from his seat at the breakfast counter and stood in front of me "....or you gonna eat and let's leave out." I scanned his body to see he was dressed in a navy blue taylored pants and a simple with shirt has if he was on his way to a meeting his muscles flexes in this shirt and I was mesmerized. I took a seat and began to eat.
   After finishing the well needed food he took my hand and lead me out of the house I was so under the influence of his cologne that I didn't protest at all.
Walking out the door I was greeted by a dark gray Maserati Alfieri Rendering I had to hide the glee I was feeling. This had me wondering if Shante told this man about all my Likes because this car was one of my dream cars. He opened the door for me and whispered " close yuh mouth your making my dick hard" and the kissed me on my ears which made goose bumps run over my body.
   I tried my best to keep my emotions in track " Can you not do that " but all he did was wear his sexy smirk.
We left the house in complete silence no music nothing. I had butterflies in my tummy. I always made fun of girl who was always pining over hot guys who gave them a little attention and now here I am a honor student and head of the student council doing exactly what I talk down to. " Can we talk about last night?" He asked just when I was getting used to the silence.
   "What is there to talk about ?" I asked while I slightly turn in my seat so I can see his god like facial features. " I am never the type to push up on a woman much less a young girl who is still in high school" he said while pinching the bridge of his noise " but your mature and fucking sexy not to mention you come well recommend" I had to laugh for that one " i am not trying to force you into anything but atlases get to know me and lets take things slow" he came to a stop at a light and turn to me and reach for my hands " just think about it plz" he squeezed my hand and  turned his attention to the road. I was lost for words going over what he said in my head and staring at his face and remembering all we did the night before. He pulled up to my school gate where Jason was park waiting while Shante was chatting up to the girl we hang out with at school. With little to no hesitation I turned to him " one chance only one" he released his seat belt and pull my head in for a farce kiss that left the faint taste of blood in my mouth " have a good day I will come pick you up after school so we can talk more about this ok" i smile widely and nodded my head to confirm " ok I will see you later" with that I opened his car and stepped out of it  with the stupidest grin on my face.

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