chapter 4

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When she isnt acting uptight she is a really cool chick with her head on straight. We were having a flowing conversation nothing sexual nor immature but a conversation which i really enjoyed. She wasnt trying to find out how much money I had or how many cars i had, no she asked wat i did with my spear time, my fav food, if i had allergies (which i dont) but it made me feel some type of way like would it be wrong if i wanted to know more about her other than she is leaving school in the next three months, or that she loves purple and doesnt have a number one dish becuz she loves food over all. I think I will invest my time into becoming her friend and i smiled at the thought that Jason and Shante were not over selling this girl's ability to make people fall in love with her charisma. " So your parents arent worried that its now 10 and your not in bed for school tomorrow?" I saw her expression tighten has she gave me flat "No" i didnt bother to press the issue see has she is just warming up to me. I dont why I feel so drawn to this girl. I have met and fuck my share of intelligent and beautiful women. So how can a girl that's not even eighteen yet have my dick getting hard and my  mind  intrigue by every word that leave her plump lips. She speaks with so much passion and I am happy that Jason gave us the time to talk. I want to know her because I will be fucking her up tight pussy  soon. And if she is actually a virgin I might have to keep her close.

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