Chapter 29

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      We spent the weekend in St Ann's.
We went to the beach, we went to taboo which I enjoyed. I haven't been to a club in since meeting Justin and being there with him was great. We tipped the strippers and got lap dances and we even got a private dance which had us ficking while she watched. We went out to dinner and Even saw a movie.  
     We were now on our way back home  preparing my mind for all the things I needed to get done.
      I would normally work with my dad but that's out of the question seeing as he hasn't returned my call or numerous text messages.
     Walking into my room at Nichole's I realized how much I would miss being here, I will still visit and have our weekends but today I am moving. I was convinced by shante that being 18 I was well an able to move in with Justin o could see the disapproving look on Jason face but he stay silent so I will ignore it.
       Packing my things I walk to the our the door and hand Justin a suit case, looking across the way convincing my feet to take the step towards the walk way, the weight I felt entering this house of misery. The place was silent and dark as if sun wasn't shining outside. Paper scattered on the floor and a funk that I have never yet smelt on my mother's house, making a bee line for My room I started to gather the few things I need, pictures, books, other things I hold dear to me. Throwing everything in a hello kitty set I had wen my dad took me and Shante to Cayman in grade 5. The memory brought tears to my eyes, we could have been happy if they all just put us first.
     Walking out the door of my old bedroom, I stop to remove the key I had to the front door from my key chain ,  maneuvering  in the dark to find a a place  to rest the key on and that's when I heard the coughing. I almost fainted.
    " the fuck" I said in a low tone before reaching to find the light switch on the walk. The look on my face must have been morbid as my eyes focused on my mother laying on the sofa, pale and malnourished with a table full of medication next to her.
     The tears came falling not just tears of her state but tears of what her pride as done to her.
    " how can you be in this state and not reach out for help?" My voice cracked as I spoke
      " never think yuh care" her words laced with attitude and disdain as I took in the condition of her house. The place was  filthy. How can she live like this. From the state of the garden i should have know something was wrong. how fucked all this is,i couldn't leave her like this, no matter the way she treated me.

The ring of my phone brought me out of my trance,

Me: hello

JUSTIN: Whats wrong?

Me: My mother (my voice cracked )

Before I could finish speak he burst through the door shouting
     " T!!! BABY GIRL!!" Him extra enno
  " I am in here!" I shouted back hearing foot step walking towards me.
     "Oh Gawd!!" Shante's voice came through the room as I feel Justin taking my hand in comfort
      " unno leave mi place " My mother tired to shout but her voice came out low and with a string of dry cough.
     Out if instinct I pulled away from Justin and was by her side trying to help her to sit up.
      My eyes burned with unscheduled tears, the hate that was evident on her bristled face
    " Mummy relax,plz" she pulled away from me
    " let mi go!, tell dem to leave, especially she" she used her head to point towards shante who was busy typing away on her phone to realize.
  "Sorry for the intrusion mam,  my name is Justin Gilzeen,I am friends with your daughter and didn't mean any disrespect by barging into your home" I spoke in his charmer voice which had my mother nodding
     " I would say nice to meet you too but under the circumstances I am not too comfortable with any being here" my mother spoke to Justin calmly.
     " No, girl dah place yah wah clean" Shante spoke again which triggered my mother
    " Leave!!! Now!" She was trying to stand but some how couldn't
     " Shante, gwaan no !" I plead and she gave me a look of defiant
     " no yuh mad, she might no like but you a My sister and mi nah leave you to clean up all a diss" she gestured with her hand.
      My mother's coughing brought back my attention to her, this time the coughing wouldn't stop I really needed to fomd out what was wrong with her.
       " Justin, pull the car closer to the gate, mi affi carry her home hospital." Without a word her walk away leaving me and my sister with my evidently upset mother.
      " Mummy calm down no plz, mi ago carry yuh go doctor cause mi no know wah wrong and mi no like diss none at all." She couldn't speak as the coughing and tears running from her eyes.
      Justin returned and took my mother into his arms bringing her to the car.
     Shante head my abd pulling me into a hug
      " I will stay back and try tidy up a bit cause this no sanitary fi a sick woman" her hug made me let out the tears I was holding on to.
     " pull yourself together and go take care of you mother, mi know she wasn't the best but a one we really get" my throat was burning so all I did was nodded my head and head out the door sending up a word of prayer begging God to not let this be the end.
         On the way to the hospital I tried calling my father but I couldn't get through to him. I called his office and was informed he was out if the country and would be back in 2 weeks.
         Getting the hospital we were checking in and my mother taken away by nurses they told me to stay outside and sign up sine forms. I was jittery, Justin stay by my side trying to comfort me in anyway he could.
      I was pacing back and forth for over five mins. We were at the hospital gor over 3 hours and was only hearing they are running test on her. I was  frustrated.
      " excuse me nurse, is there any information on Mrs Green?" I asked
    " No, as soon as I hear anything I will inform you" she spoke as she walked pass me to attend to another group of ppl.
      "How long now mi a hear the same fucking thing!" I shouted not caring who was present
     Jason came over and wrapped Mr in a bear hug
     "Hey......relax, take a deep breath, everything will be OK" he spoke to me softly while stroking my neck and kissing my forehead.
    I tried to calm myself by taking in his sent.
       " Tajeee!" I heard her voice the voice that I knew I needed to hear turning out of Justin's arms I turned around to see Nichole at the to of the hall running towards me, her clean white uniform made her look so prestine. I felt the tears running down my face as she came closer to me.
     She came up to me and wrapped me in a warm loving hug. The hug I knew I needed and just like the fear, the panic, the anxiety all came crashing down.
      "MI can't belive a so she did a live enno" I cried and vented to the person I knew would judge me, my safe haven.
     She stood there hugging me as I bawled my eyes out. She rubbed my back allowing me to unburden myself on her without judgment and open arms.
      After my crying session infront of other families staff and my boyfriend I felt a little better.
     "You can't Blame yourself for this, you too young to have all these burdens, your mother will be fine.ok" Nichole spoke ad she wiped my tears.
    "What's wrong with her?" I asked really hating not having the information.
      "Baby, your mother as lung cancer" Nichol's words had me numb.
     "Cancer? How far along ?" Justin ask from behind me
     " we are not sure as yet the doctors are running more test, we just have to be patience and pray" she continue to rub her hand along my face.
       "So is there anything we can get her ?" Justin spoke again
     " at this point we can only leave the doctors to their work, you can take her home to get some rest tho, I will be home in a few." She told Justin who nodded in understanding
       Justin took me back to my mother's house, entering the house I was astonished by the work that shante had put in, the place was tidy and back to its original state.
       " SHAN!!!" I called but their wasn't any answer
       " she isn't here bbe" Justin spoke as he pulled me into a bear hug before kissing me
     " how are you feeling?" His words were filled with concern
     " I am fine"i told him flatly
    " I am here when your ready to talk" he kissed my forehead
     " I think we should put me moving on pause" I took the opportunity to speak on the matter as it as been in my mind since I found my mother.
       Texting Nichole i her I would be home when she get there see as I was  mo help at the hospital. Justin said he wasn't leaving my side and that was a plus.
       After taking a shower washing off all the hours I was in that dreadful place i walked into my room to find Justim large frame laying on my bed.
     " you tek over mi bed" I smile walking over to my bag on the ground trying to fund something to put on.
     "I can watch you all day" his words had me looking back at him to sew him staring and my ass, bitting my lips I grab a shirt and panty before raising up and closing My door, making sure the lock was secure.
      Throwing the shirt and panty on a chair close to the bed.
         I wanted to fuck so dressing was off the table. Shante was out getting food so we had some time.
       Saddling him, he grouped my breast and kiss my neck, my body tingles has his teeth graded my delicate skin.
      "Fuck!!!!" I blured
     " that's my plan" he smile before kissing me deeply, I fondled with his belt as he continued his assault on my flesh.
      Removing his clothes in a flash, i quickly went on my knees, licking my lips with a smile I went to work, fitting him in my mouth was getting easier, my mouth watered at his taste, his moans had my pussy shaking wet, guiding him in and out of my mouth as I watch his eyes closed, speeding up I tried to push him further down my throat.
      "Dammmmmmmmmmmmmm!" He mumbled as he slapped my ass before pulling me up and crashing his lips to mines as I wrapped my legs around him guiding his saliva cover cocky into my tight pussy.
        Our moans we in sink as I  tried to hold back my climax, I felt the muscles contract and expand with every stroke he made. I could hold on any longer as his strokes got faster and he applied pressure to my clit.
      " cumm for me, cummm all over your cocky" he spoke into my ears pushing my over the edge
      "Oh yessssssss, babeeeeeee!!!!! Mi a cumm!!!!"I wined on him buddy as he filled me with cumm latching his lips to my swallowing my loud moans.
      Falling back on the bed with me on top of him as we tried to catch our breath.
       " that was exceptional" he had a smile on his face as he kissed my forehead, I felt like I would mealt
      " I love you" I told him as tears pricked my eyes
     " I love to too" I hugged him tightly.
     A knock on the door woke me from my sleep.
       "Food is here guys" Shante spoke
" ok soon come!" Justin replied before removing himself from the bed
     " bbe, get up and put on some clothes " his voice was deeper not as he was just waking Also
     Getting up from The bed I steached
      " good cocky, put gyal fi sleep"he laugh as I throw a pillow at him while heading into the bathroom to freshen up. He followed suit, soon we were out I the kitchen eating dinner with shan and Jason.

            We were sitting around in the living room wen Nichole got home. She look tired and I could see she had alot on her mind. She greeter us before heading to her room.
       After some time I went to check on her. She was just getting out if the bathroom.
       " you hungry ? " I asked taking a seat in her bed
      "No I grabbed something before leaving work"
      " is mummy?" I asked
    " you can go see her tomorrow. But she is OK" she got dressed and came over to sit beside me taking my hand
       " I want you to mot put your life on hold for anyone, I am offering to take care of your mother while you sort school out, go I lice your life without regret and give us old heads a visit when you can,because I know you and i want only the best for you" her words made my cry because I was planning to take a year to stay back with mummy.
      " how you know I was planning to do that," I ask her curiously
     " I am still your mother I know you that will never changed" she hugged me



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