Chapter 16

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     I entered the house not hearing a peep a small chill ran down my spine how can this be my life? How can ppl live like this? sad and toxic. I walked I to my room making sure not to slam the door, holding my breath praying I would not come in contact with neither of my parents. I felt out it of place, lost and a bit heart broken. I thought of how the selfishness of others have made my life hell. The lies and distrust broke up what should've been a happy home.
     I sat down on my bedroom floor has tears trickled down my cheeks. I though of Justin and how I want no secrets between us hoping that we could be happy together. I know I am young but i can learn how to be what he want. Be what he wants all men are user the small voice in my head chimed this made me think of the girl I met at his house and how he treated her. Will he treat me the same has he did Her?
My phone chimed and in a robotic motion I picked up and unlocked it. It was my group chat with the girls. They wanted to know what happen with me ans Hex a d if we are still going to the party. I didn't feel like talking and tomorrow speaks for itself.
I was startled from my sleep by my mother's screaming "leave my house!!!" What is going on,i took a deep breath
"i just came to drop off Ants bag, no reason to nyam off mi head." It was Shante
"Don't come near my house bastard and she isn't here" I took a deep breath i might be mad at her but no one speaks to her like crap.
" you and your bitch of a mumma is the reason why we are not happy and soon you will do her just has she did me " my mother continue to speaks "Apple don't fall far  from the tree." That was the last straw
I flung the room door open "what kinda person speaks to child like that?" I shouted at her "you vile bitter witch!" I sobbed has my emotion got the best of me
" You?....Her? Child ?" She laughed dryly " not a child in my sight gyal!" Her face filled with disgust " with the late hours and different cars you two hop out of " she tried to tame her now wild hair "drinking smoking and galivanting has if you have no standard nor morals! The entire community know about you two and the type of ppl you associate with!" She was getting louder
"You know nothing other than gossip! The community talks about you more than me Lilith so I could care less what ppl think! You should have paid more attention to your husband than community gossip and all this could have been avoided!.!" I was blinded by anger and wanted her to be has hurt has me,for all the neglect I feel and all the shit I took from her.
"Better yet know how they talk about how you take out your man problem on me and Shante like we fucked weh your husband!" Her right eye twitched and before I knew it she slapped the taste out of my mouth.
In a small voice she said "leave my house " while she shook her head continuously. I felt bad but i covered it with the years of neglect she gave me
"Fine don't come looking for me either" I stomped off with my stinging face.
I left everything there. I wanted nothing from that place. I just wanted to get away from it all. I packed all the things I had at Shante's house. I am glad she wasnt homeboy stop me from leaving this fucking madness. I called a taxi to take me and my bags to Justin's place.     
       Richy took me Justin's house but i had no way of getting in I was so in my head that I forgot he wouldn't be home until tomorrow
    " You want me to go in?" He looked at me through the mirror
I shook my head not wanting him  to know how stupid my actions were.
  " No just leave them by the curb" I should just go back to Shan's place but my stubbornness and the growing hatred for that place is very high right now.
   " you sure you going to be ok ?" He asked with genuine concern
I gave him a small smile and nod my head in conformation. We got out the car and he hot my things and place them on the curb.
   " if anything just call me ok." He got in his car.
  " No matter the time enno Taj call me." He said sternly.
   My heart felt heavy know that even my taxi driver cared for me but the woman who birthed me hated me and wanted nothing to do with all because her husband cheated.
   "Yea I wil" my voice crackled and with that he drove away.
    I watch has the car disappeared down the road. My knees because weak and sank down onto my luggage crying my eyes out. I felt drained and sadden by the feeling of being unwanted.
    I sat there with my head on my knees contemplating how things could be better in my ideal world my family was happy both my mothers found away to get along and my father is playing his part in both our lives. But I would be silly to hold on to such dreams. I haven't seen my father in weeks. He hasn't even texted me once. What did I ever do to my parents to make them hate me so much. Even if I could have a ounce of what Shan and Her mom have I would be greatful.
     I was caught up in thought and  didn't see the nor hear the car that pulled up to the main gate.
" young lady?" The calm voice call as if not wanting to scare me.
    Looking up I see that it's Miss V. I took a sigh if relief I was dreading the fact that I might have to call Jason for help  after out little spat today that would have taking some convincing on my part.
     "TAJEE! What are you doing sitting out here in the dark on the ground? "  she sound bewildered. I slowly got up off my bag and inspect myself has she got out the car. " you made if fool of you self infront of  the who takes care of Justin" the small voice in my head chastise me.
   " let me help yuh with things " she waddled over and grab the duffle off the ground and point " put the purple one in the trunk" I did has she said i was also shocked by the car she was driving it was a Lexus SUV. I put that in the memory bank for later cause she living nice.
     We got into the house and i felt embarrassed. How else was this going to play out? Was I going yo sit there the entire night.
    "Have a seat at the kitchen counter I will make you something to eat and some tea to calm you down" she said while she busied herself before I could refuse her offer.
     " i dont drink tea " I said not knowing if she heard me.
  " none the less you will drink it tonight calm your nerve an relax. It is evident that you are upset." She spoke while she worked "i am not prying but pretty girl like you shouldn't let ppl get you down" she smiled at me and it was contagious my first genuine smile in hours.
    She settled with making me a chicken sandwich that I devoured in seconds.
    The warm beverage she gave me soothed my burning chest. The silence was unbearably.
     " i want to be the one to tell Justin about this" I said
   " i wouldn't have it any other way" she squeeze my shoulder gently.
     "I know this must seem crazy to you.I really am trying to not scare him and i know your loyal to him so I hope you get it" i blabbered she gave me a small smile
   " i will not tell him....You must do that because you have a swollen jaw and he will be home in the morning." Y
I know she wanted to know what is the cause if all of this.
    I felt the tears running down my cheek " my mother hit me.' I told her frankly " we don't have the best relationship and of late things at home aren't good. This is the only place I feel safe " her face went from anger to shock to understanding.
     " You are not alone, my boys are good  men and they will sort things out for you" she occupied herself by wiping the counter.
     " i am going to take a well need shower and try to study" I got off the stool to leave
       " Call Justin because in the morning I will have to inform him of what is  happening here, because he might watch the it on the camera." I took a deep breath and nod in agreement. I wish this could wait till morning.
        I tried calling him but the call went to his voicemail. I took a long shower and made my way to bed I didn't feel like studying or watching tv. I laid in the dark consumed by lonelines and the thought of Justin reaction to me being here without is consent or knowledge.
    Will he allow me to stay or send me packing?



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