chapter 3

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   "Justin am ready to go" the girl said to him 
"Oh yea Krissy" he said as if he forgot she was even in the house.
" My name is Brandy" she said souding hurt. Even worse when Shanté started to laugh I heard her voice cracked
"I am jus going to leave ok" he jus came around and sat across from Jason and waved his hand "Ok see u around"
  I felt the heat rising through my body but this time it wasn't lust it was anger for the way in which he treated the poor girl, the fact that these two seem unbothered by the whole thing as if it something he does often. I rolled my eyes at him and gave all my attention to my phone. " so you don't talk?....hello???"   Looking up I saw that Justin was addressing me.
I scuffed " I don't small talk with men who take advantage of women and make them feel belittled?" With a hint of attitude which didn't seem to faze him.
" you don't need to worry she is a big girl and mi know this wasn't her first time."  He turned to face Jason " Ready to talk business cuz?" As they both stood and exited the room.
       A few mins pass and the Shanté was  talking in a hush tone " Stop acting stuck up no man...Jus isn't a bad person so stop give the yout a hard time" she rolled her eyes getting me a bit pissed off
   "So u telling me u ok wid how him treat the girl a while ago!?" I asked even tho I knew her answer " well I don't have to put up with his shit Shan cuz I don't owe him a thing." I hissed and slid further down the sofa praying Jason would hurry up and take me home.
          Two hours went by and we were still here waiting for them to finish business. Justin appeared beside us
" sorry for the long wait but are u ladies hungry? " he ask so smoothly that my nipples hardened " Miss V jus cook some curry shrimp an white rice"  my mouth watered but I do think it becuz of the food. Shanté jumped to her feet and I followed her to the kitchen with Justin trailing behind us. I felt his eyes burning holes in my back but I ignored him and  continue to walk. Entering the kitchen Miss V placed plates in front of us woth food and a jug of juice. We sat down to eat has Justin disappears from the room.The food was delicious and i really want a to go plate.
       Tomorrow was monday so that means its a school day. Even tho i didn't have any outstanding assignments i would rather be home reading a book or cuddled up on the couch watching love and hip hop. But no am here sitting down while Shante is consumed by a show with poor CGI my eyes hurt.
" you remember we have school in the morning ?" I asked her with a bit of attitude.
   " its 7:30 in the evening and look how much time we out till late and it dont cause a problem! So tell mi wah yuh real issue?" She gave me a sceptical look.
   Even tho she had a point i didnt back down " I am not comfortable....and..and mi jus no feel good..and" she cut me off "Shut up u sound stupid mi g" she laughed as if she jus hit the jack pot
" yuh like him." She stated while i rolled my eye.
'NO!!!i do not" she laughed even harder " yuh know.." but before she could finish in walk Jason with a black bag pack with Justin following behind.
   " bbe follow mi  go drop this off out by the club" Jason said to Shante who flew up off the couch like a bat outta hell i followed suit and stood to my feet to leave " Tij we jus going to drop these off and come right back" Jason said as if talking to a toddler. I felt my face heat up " Why cant u jus bring me home jay?? Why j leaving mi with this man whore ?" I sighed out which only made Jason and the others laugh making  me more frustrated.
     I dont know what came over me but my frustration had my eyes burning with unshed tears " I have school in the morning u know that" i said looking at a Shante with pleading eyes. She sighed heavily.
   "Ants stop acting up caz u know we wouldn't put u in danger." She gave me a hug smooth the front of my hair and wispered in my ear " we will talk more about your little crush later." With that they left me standing unable to grasp the fact that they left me here. Throughout all this Justin was sitting in the space Shante previously occupied sipping on some dark liquor not wanting to go any further i sat at the far end of said couch and opend up my Instagram and scrolled through my news feed.
    " I am not a bad guy u know"  he sated has he took another sip from his cup
" the women i take home are all the same they push up on me jus to say they slept with me or try and see what they can get out of me" he held my gaze
" They tried to use me bby girl not the other way around, clout chassing or jus to get a hype off of me."
   " So why not turn them down? " i asked curiously
  " i do its jus that last night i had a little too much to drink and i didnt plan on her being here when Jason got here much less him taking u along."  The look he gave me seemed to be sincere and wat would he gain from being dishonest anyways. I decided to relax and so we talk.for a little not about anything too deep but the small stuff like school, food, movies and even books. I found out his past high school, his favorite color is green, he love sea food, he is a horror movie kind a guy and says he loves to read.

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