Chapter 34

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Tajee Pov
It's been six month since my kidnapping I am now standing at my mother's grave side watching cement being poured over her. Obeying her last wishes to be buried by my father's side. I felt numb as if my parents weren't both dead, but I'm truth they have been out of my life a longtime. My family was still alive. Shante an I spoke a few days while I was in the hospital an i got her side of the
Story. I nerves spoke of what happened to me to no one but Bailey an Justin the trauma of that will stay with me for ever. The headlines read business man found dead in office with multiple other bodies. I was question a few days later about the knowledge of my father's business to which I reacted oblivious to. No mention of my sisters or boyfriend and they were on their way.
Bailey recovered fully an decided to finish school. Shante gave birth to a hansom little boy an I went on with my schooling and internship. My relationship with Justin is still going we spoke about his underworld life an inwas given the chance to stay or leave, I chose to stay with the man I love. I support his choices an he supports mine. The clarity is refreshing an I look forward to our life together.
Nicole is a proud grandparent, she sold her house an bought a new one closer to us. She is even dating a doctor.
I realise how nieve I was not seeing how affected we each were with my dad being present. The rape I endured was my scar to bear as to the amount of kids my father as sold into that life.
I have now dedicated my self to helping an even find some of those who have been taken.
My journey is just beginning an I will be charging into this with my eyes open.

Seven years later
"The Gilzeen foundation as been funding the charge to finding missing Jamaican teens in an out of our country for three years, my family and I have dedicated ourself to th8s cause, women shelters for women facing domestic violence an depression. I am dedicated to seving my country an the weakest of our citizens. So join me Jamaica as I run to b3 the next prime minister of our country and implement strategies to help build a better an safer Jamaica." As the crowd cheers infront of me I look to my side as my husband stands tall next to me. One of the youngest to throw my hat in the ring for prime minister.

                                      * The End*

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