Chapter 25: Why Do I Feel This Way?

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Mitsuki pov

"You did what?!" I shrieked.

"Don't be mad, they both deserves it anyway." Said Camille.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean turning them into demons and torture them with the old ' torture and healing' plan!"

"To make you feel better, it was Muzan's idea. Plus, he kills them in the end with the most gruesome-"

"Stop! It is best if I don't know." I held my hand out to stop her from continuing

"Well..., it is Muzan's idea to do so." She shrugged.

"How am I not surprised?" I rolled my eyes.
"Hey trash!"

I turn my head to meet a pair of angry and jealousy purple eyes. Great, now what?

"I'm not a piece of garbage, slut. Because the definition of it is just standing right in front of me." I sneered.

"Why you little brat! Do you know why master keep you? Because of boredom, and he craves a little wild attention. Now when I'm around, he doesn't need you anymore because I'm gonna make him feel so much better than you, a boring ant. He's gonna forget he ever met you, and he's just gonna stomp your heart just like it means nothing to him." She snarled.

"I think you have the wrong idea here. Sure, go on, have him for all I care. I feel like I'm in quarantine because of him! So please, by all means, fuck him and get me out of this misery!" I smiled and walked past her, purposely bumped into her shoulder, showing that damn woman who is boss!

I know what I said, but deep inside me, it pains me to know that they have slept together, or even dating. Is the whole "marry me" speech from him is just a lie? Do I mean nothing to him after years of being together? Am I really a nuisance to him?

The thought of it, a tear slips away from my eyes. Wait! Why do I care? I rejected his proposal because he means nothing to me. I'm falling for him for the.... I forgot how many times already. I even forgot how many times I left him. Is it the forth or the fifth time?

I sigh and go to the balcony. I lean on the railing as I enjoy the night scenery. The moon is abnormally large and it baths the earth with its luminous glow, and the stars shone brightly, a shooting star appears in the corner of my eye. I hold my hands together and intertwine my fingers and close my eyes and sigh, making a wish.

Please, I want to know the truth. About me, and him, and especially us. I want to know, if we're meant for one another...

I open my eyes, and smile. I know it is stupid, but it brings back childhood memories, tho I never had one. I brush my braided hair to the side and lean on the railing again.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful?"

I turn my head and there he stands, wearing a black collared long-sleeves shirt

I turn my head and there he stands, wearing a black collared long-sleeves shirt

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"What do you want?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Just seeing my love enjoying the beautiful night sky." He said, lovingly staring at me.

"You're staring at me. Why are you staring at me like that?" My face twisted in disgust.

"I told you that I'm enjoying seeing my love staring at the night sky, with the most breathtaking smile on her face."

I roll my eyes and turn my head away. Seriously?

"Don't you have work to do?"

"I do, but I enjoy spending my time with you, especially such a beautiful night just like this." He smirked.

"Whatever. Go and have a little fun with that upper-moon 2 demon, since I'm such a nuisance to you." I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you talking like that? Are you jealous?" He smirked.

"No! Is just that don't you have sex with her? She's so much more fun and sexy than-"

"Stop. First of all, I've never slept with any women, other than you. So stop making such assumption and think so lowly of me. I don't throw myself over to just any women who likes me because of my money or looks. Second, don't ever compare yourself over to some whore who's nothing but a pretty slutty face. You're so much better than her. Any men who stands by your side is the most luckiest bastard in the world. You're my blue spider lily, so rare, so beautiful, and my one and only obsession." He said while looking into my eyes.

I never feel so touch by his words, but then again, I'm scare that they are all just lies. Lies, that'll break my heart again and again. Ugh! Why am I such a fool to fall into his trap again?! He coax me so well!

I turn my head away, breaking eye contact with him. His eyes shows sadness.

"I don't know if I should trust you again Muzan. You hurt me so badly everytime I open my heart out to you, and you'll just step on it, and leave it to rot."

"I know what I did was wrong. I'm so sorry love, but I'm willing to make it up to you. You changed me, you make me feel love hundred years ago. You make me fall in love with an arrogant nuisance but sweet and kind beautiful bad ass." He chuckles.

I giggle.

"God, your laughter is music to my ears." He caress my cheek.

"Muzan, you're just being cheesy." I blush and playfully hit his chest.

"For you, my love~" He smiles.

"Hmm? You still are that domineering, supercilious, temperamental, obstinate and aloof supreme demon I once know right?" I smirk.

"It's you, and only you love, that deserves to be treat like this." He kisses my forehead.

"I'm so not use to this side of you. You are never sweet and caring from the first time I met you." I narrow my eyes.

He laughs in respond.

"Well, you'll get at use to it." He smiles.

I smile along and we both slowly lean in, Muzan stares into my eyes, but later on my lips as we are just nose to nose.

I close my eyes and-

"Are you guys like a thing now?"

We immediately back away and turn our heads, Camille and Jas are peeping at the door, which is so obvious. I can't help but giggle and Muzan glares daggers towards them.

Way to ruin a moment

"Why do you have to ruin the moment?! Can't you see they almost kiss?!" Scolded Camille.

"Yeah, and that's why I'm curious about their relationship." Jas sticks out her tongue.

"Both of you better start running in 5 seconds before your heads are going to be hanging on the wall." Muzan scowled.

They disappear in a split second.

"Hey, that's not nice." I gave a playful smirk and folded my arms over my chest.

"I know, and before I hunt."

He pecks my lips and leaves in a flash, leaving me dumbfounded but a smile plays on my lips.

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