Chapter 8: I Dragged Muzan Into the Girl's Bathroom

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Mitsuko pov

"Out of anywhere in this world, you just have to drag me in here?" Muzan glared at me.

"I'm sorry! I got so nervous and started running without looking where I was going."

"Really? The girl's bathroom? You're lucky that there's no one here right-"

Voices were coming from outside as they're slowly getting louder.



His hand clasped my mouth in a one second and he lifted me off the ground and shifted us to a stall.

"Have you seen his chest?! It's definitely 6 packs."

"No, I counted it! Its definitely 8!"

This is so fucking awkward! There are girls outside and they are making it more awkward by arguing some dude's abs! Especially infront of you know who!!!

My face is burning hot at this situation right now.

Suddenly the hand that was clasped on my mouth was removed but l was pinned on the wall.

"Why do you have to be so immature?" He asked as he laid his head on my shoulder. His breath tickles my neck.

"Urm..., what are you doing?" I asked, trying to pushed him off me but failed.

"See what kind of effect I have on you." He answered and starting to place kisses on my neck and slowly down to my jawline. His hands circled the outline of my breast before he kneads them.

What the fuck is he doing?!

I tried not to moan and push him off me but he's too strong for me, not to remind that he's a demon.

"Considered this as a punishment for your blunder." He whispered in husk and continuing kissing my body.

"Fuck~" I moaned and I covered my mouth once I realised what I did.

Those voices from outside suddenly stopped.


"Get a room!"

Then the door slammed again. I guessed they left. That felt so awkward and embarrassing! Even with this awkward and embarrassing situation, Muzan never stop pleasuring me. Then it gets worst, He Fucking Kissed Me! On the Lips!

I gasped and he slide his disgusting tongue in my mouth! Exploring the wonders of my mouth and he played with my tongue...

I bite his tongue off.

"Tsk!" He flinched in pain as he let me go.

I spit out his tongue and rubbed my lips in disgust. He deserves it!

"Why you little brat!" He roared.

I didn't hesitate to slap him after that, but he caught my wrist in mid-air.

"I'll make you remember what happens when someone crosses me." He snarled and he did something that made me screamed in misery.

He broke my wrist.

I can literally feel the bone snapped.

"Arghhh!" I screamed and he let go of my wrist. I crouched down as I held my wrist in pain.

"You fucking BASTARD! You broke my wrist! I hate you! I hate you 3000!" I bellowed.

Muzan just stared down at me with those eyes, like looking at a peasant or an ant!

"Hate you 3000? Now that's new. You really need to go to school instead of being a fool singing and dancing on stage, making people scream their heads off. So repulsive." He said as he opened the door.

"I had my fun, see you around princess~" He smirked before he shuts it.
Muzan pov

What the hell is wrong with me?! I touched and kissed that bratty human! I must have gone mad! My mind wasn't in the right place, I was blinded by those eyes, those cute and innocent eyes that I just want to gorge them out!

And that nerve of her, bitting my tongue off like that! She's such a Brat! Who the hell likes arcades?! That's childish stuff!

Thinking of her makes me even more angrier!

Then her scent got into my mind. She smelled like vanilla strawberry, and her lips....

Sweet and soft, like tasting a cotton candy. And I hate sweets!

"Muzan Kibutsuji!"

Great! Now there's someone who's gonna add oil to my fire.

"How many times have I told you? Surnames first! Who cares you're an American?! You're married to me so you should listen to what I order you to do!" I scowled.

"You have been hanging out with her when I told you not to, haven't you?!"

"So? Is not like I need your approval to do what I please."

"For God sake Muzan, you're my husband!"

"And you're a terrible wife who can't keep her promises. I have been asking for my flower for a century and still you haven't given me what I want!"

"Because I know what you are!"

"You don't know a thing about me." I retorted.

"Oh Really? Well, I know one thing is that you love ordering your wife to sleep on the couch!"

"You're never gonna let it go, aren't you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Who the fuck orders their wife to sleep on the couch?!" Ayumi raising her hand as she bellowed.

"You know pretty well that I never loved you!"

"Oh, I don't need the FBI to help me investigate about that!" She rolled her eyes.

"Besides, you're not even capable of love! I have no idea what my sister sees in you!" She continued.

"Well, at least she has eyes and a good taste." I scoffed.

"Not to mention beautiful ones." I muttered.

"Oh! So now she's your soulmate because she has the same eyes as you?! You're being unreasonable Muzan!"

"Zip it! Everything was perfect until you showed up."

"Oh Really? Remind me how many times she left you? Or you left her? I'm pretty sure I need more fingers to count!"

"Are you done?" I was getting really pissed and annoyed. Why on earth would I marry this woman?!

"Hooking up with a face like hers isn't going to change the fact that she's dead!"

We're in public. If not, I would have snapped her head right now! She dares talk to me like that?! And she even dares to bring that Brat into our argument!

For some reasons, it pisses me off.

I just walked away from this drama queen. I married her because I have nothing to lose already. My princess is dead! The love of my life is dead!

Coped up in my room, drinking wine and listening to sad music is my daily routine, reminding myself how sad I was. My demons still give me their report about the demon slayers and everything.

Marrying this witch meaning I could get the flower that I've always yearn for my entire lifetime but that Witch kept delaying me! I find it useless to punish or torture her, she will just laugh like a maniac enjoying that. Searching around her stuff is also pointless cause she hid it pretty well.

Mitsuki, love, how much I missed you...

Please, get me out off this!

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