Chapter 24: Meeting The Upper-Moon 1 and 2

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Mitsuki pov

I wake up to not find Muzan next to me anymore. Feeling sad, for some God damn reason, I sit up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom. I clean myself up, brush my teeth and braid my hair. After that I walk towards the closet. I choose a normal but sweet clothes to wear.

I go out from the room and go down stairs, and not a single soul is present!

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I go out from the room and go down stairs, and not a single soul is present!

Where the fuck is everyone?!


She appears out of nowhere.

"Where the fuck is everyone?" My hands on my hips.

"Sorry Lady Mitsuki, Master told me to not tell you anything." She bowed.

Fucking Ass Shit Head Bastard!

"Okay. Then where are my annoying sisters?" I asked.

"They followed Master to do some business." She answered.

"They? Doing business? With Muzan?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Lady Mitsuki." She bowed.

I mentally laugh! Seriously? They don't even know how to earn a penny!

"This is preposterous! Where the fuck are they?!"

"Sorry Lady Mitsuki, as I said, Master wants to do his work in peace, without you disturbing." She answered.

My ears are fuming! I grit my teeth in anger.

What the fuck are they all doing that they had to be secretive about?!
Third person pov


"This is what you get for trying to rape her!" Camille whip a man who is tied up.

"I guess we have tortured them for a while now. How are we going to kill them?" Asked Jas.

"Of course in the most gruesome way as possible." Camille smirked.

"Let me, ladies~" Muzan smirked as he walked towards them, with a menacing smile played on his lips.
Mitsuki pov

"And then he asked me to marry him! Yeah, I know, crazy right?" I laughed.

The upper-moon demon 1 looks at me like I'm insane. Oh yeah, he came to give his excellent report but only to find Muzan's 'missing'. Nakime refuses to tell us his location, she keeps on saying he's busy and doesn't want to be disturb. So, here am I, talking to... I forgot his name! I kept on talking to him about my life like a friend when we just met that I forgotten to ask him his name!

"Urm, so... what's your name ?" I asked.

"Asashi." He answered me in a cold matter.

"Right...." I narrowed my eyes.

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