Chapter 5: Kidnapped and Fell Into A Familiar Place

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Mitsuko pov

"You met Muzan and Teresa?!" My sisters yelled

"Yes." I answered.

"Did they do anything? Are you hurt? Did you say-"

"I'm fine. And I never want to see any of them in my life ever again!" I stated.

They heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"What's this?" Asked Camille as she took the paper that Muzan gave me.

"Muzan invited all of us to the ball and-"

"We're not going."

"Thank goodness!" I sighed in relief. I would caught dead going there. What am I saying? I will be dead if I don't go there!

Pfft, who cares?! I'm not going, whether he likes it or not!

"So..., tell me the truth! How do you know Muzan and Teresa and Mitsuki?"

"Mitsuki?!" Jasmine looked shocked.

"Where did you hear that name?!" Asked Camille.

"Urm, that's the name of Muzan's dead girlfriend. He told me himself."

"So he still haven't move on." Camille murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing you should care about." Camille smiled.

"Am I... her?" I asked softly, looking at them.

"No! What are you even saying Miko, you are you and Mitsuki is Mitsuki. You both are totally different person." Said Camille.

"Oh-Oh Okay..." I said.

"Don't ask us anything about Muzan, Teresa and especially Mitsuki!"


"That's final!"


"It's getting late. You should go to sleep."


"Bed now!"

"Fine!" I shouted with frustration. I went out to my room and slammed the door behind me.

Ugh! I can't believe the nerve of them! Why can't they just tell me?! All these questions about Mitsuki is really starting to grow under my skin!

Whatever, maybe sleeping can get my mind off things...
Where am I?

At a park?

Is that Muzan and Mitsuki together?

"I want an ice-cream." She smiled and pulled Muzan to an ice-cream cart.

"Why? What do you want to do with it? You can't eat human food." Muzan asked.

"You'll see." She smiled evilly.

Muzan furrowed his brows, feeling suspicious, but he let her buy her ice-cream.

She chose a Vanilla flavour and pay up for the ice-cream, herself.

"You know I have to spoil you sometimes right?" He smiled.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty much independent myself." She smiled.

"So what do you want with-"

She shoved the ice-cream on Muzan's face.

"Hahaha....!" She laughed so hard that she is having stomach cramp.

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