Chapter 12: Poisonous Snake Just Like Sinking Her Fangs Behind My Back

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Mitsuko pov

"Hold my hand Mitsuko!"
"Take a picture with me Mitsuko!"
"Sign my autograph Mitsuko!"
"Marry me Mitsuko!"

"Yeah! Yeah! I love you all!" I shouted and-


I sprinted towards my house.

"Mitsuko! Don't leave us!"
"You haven't sign my autograph!"
"I haven't given you our wedding ring!"

Leave me alone!!!

Great! Just this once, Sebastian wasn't here to pick me up! And just this one time, my identity just has to be expose today out of all days! See what that leads to! Fans screaming their heads off while chasing me! Even one was talking about marriage!

Somebody help me!!!

A red Ferrari stopped right infront of me. The window lowered to reveal a short hair woman with cool sunglasses. Never know that the one person who is trying to kill me is actually saving my life!

"Get in."

And I didn't hesitate to do so. She speeds away, leaving a frustrating crowd behind.

"Thanks. I owe you one." I breathed.

"I know you do. Let's talk terms in your house, shall we?"

Wait, what?

Isn't that suppose to be a matter of speech? Am I really suppose to owe her? I got a bad feeling about this.
My sister went out so that's a good sign!

"Hi Sebastian! It's been a while." Ayumi smiled as she greeted my butler.

"M-Miss Teresa. What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?"

"Just talking business with your new master here." She nodded at me.

"It won't be long. I promise to go back before my annoying sisters come back." She said.

"As you wish. Do you want me to bring your favorite tea, miss?"

"Yes please. I missed everything so much, including your tea Sebastian."
"So, what do you want?" I asked as both of us settle down. Sitting across each other and Ayu- Teresa crossing her legs.

"I took a guess that they already told you everything."

"Yeah..., they did."

"So what know?"


"What's your next move, Miki?"

"Shut It! It's Mitsuko to you. Mitsuki is already yesterday's news." I snapped.

"Great, so I guess you're not interested in my husband then."

Oooh, so this is all about Muzan.

"No, he's the one who's interested in me. No offense, but you married the wrong dude gurl."

"And you like that he's giving you his attention?"

I'm pretty aware that this woman, who used to be my sister, wants me dead. I better be careful on what I'm saying before I'm dead.

"I'm not here to kill you." Teresa sighed.

Wait What? How does she knows?

"I've known you. Mitsuki or Mitsuko or whatever you name yourself, I've known you for hundreds of years. I learned to read you like a book. Besides, you're terrible at hiding things. You have a good face expression."

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