Chapter 16: I'll Never Love You Again

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Third person pov

Muzan was stunned and stared at her, the so claim 'the love of his life', in awe. However, not everyone was happy to see her again.

Teresa eyes buldge, astonished by the fact that her dead sister is still alive again. A threat that cannot be annihilate.

Oh fuck...

Mitsuki's eyes were glowing with rage, as she held out her hand, lifted up her sister with a force, so powerful that Teresa can't break. She send her flying in the air, and let her fall, putting pressure onto her.

Teresa fell and broken her backbone with a snap. She's bedridden for a while, her injuries takes time to heal, but unfortunately the pain doesn't.


The royal demon turned to face her sisters.

"Stop this! This isn't you to hurt her like that!" Camille shouted.

Mitsuki's face immediately softened. Her eyes weren't glowing anymore As for Muzan, he wasn't pleased the fact that she's being comfortable with anyone else aside from himself. He beheaded her sisters in a split second. Mitsuki's eyes widened with shock, but it was replaced with rage after a few seconds.

"You lied to me." She scowled.

"You moved on! And Married my Betraying Sister and now you want me back! Too late! I hate you! So much that the world could burn down with the flames of my hatred!" She screamed.

"Now you're just exaggerating." Muzan rolled his eyes.

"Oh let's see how exaggerating I can be." She snarled.

Mitsuki concentrated on her power hate. She rose from the ground again and as her face scowled. Her hands gestured and hot smoldering lava rises from the ground. She lifted her hand and thousands droplets of the flames floated up. Those droplets instantly turned into small spikes.

"Princess, you know I don't want to fight you." Said Muzan.

This was the first time he ever saw her fight this intimidating. She usually just uses her magic which is mind control or if it's a combat battle, she would just fight with her sword, tho Muzan finds it incredibly extracting. Guess this what's happen when he fell in love.

"Kibutsuji Muzan, for these years you have been intoxicating me. I gave you my heart and you just threw it on the floor, stepped on it multiple times. From the first time I met you, until now, you're still stepping on it no matter how many times I forgive you and offer you my heart again. As you said, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. You never love me, all you ever love is yourself. A narcissistic bastard who never cares of others. Well guess what, I'll never love you again."

One snapped of her finger, death charged towards him.
Muzan pov

"Tsk!" I flinched in pain when I didn't manage to dodged all of her attacks.

Luckily, I recovered fast and the pain only lasted for two seconds.

I can't believe it

She's mad at something which was not true at all. I just needed a break from her and this is what happens. A break from all these devastation, and move on with my domineering life. And this is what happens!

"Mitsuki stop!"

I turned my head. Their heads have grown back?

"Killing Muzan is never a solution! So those Hatred! You're causing damages everywhere! Do you know what will happen if the humans find out?! News will spread and the government hunting us down! Is that all worth it because of him?!" Camille shouted.

Now that hurts. I'm definitely worth it!

Mitsuki mouth parted, her face softened. And that's when Ayumi jumped out of nowhere and attacked her.
Mitsuki pov

"Mitsuki!" Muzan yelled.

Tsk! Like I need your pity!

"It's always have to be her isn't it?! Why can't you love me?! I did everything you said, I even become avoid wife, or that's wasn't enough for you to love me! Aren't I good enough for you?! I even changed my whole name and look because of you!" Screamed Teresa as she tried to stangle me.

"Get off me, You BITCH!" I tried to reach her.

"Wrong, I never love you, and I never will because there used to be someone, but I guessed she's dead." He scowled.

"Why does it always have to be Mitsuki?! What does she have that I don't?! Her powers?! Her looks?! She's a compelling fox For God Sake!" She screamed.

"You don't compare yourself to someone! You don't try to change into someone! That's not love! That's just obsession! He's not the right guy for you Teresa! Someone who loves you won't make you change yourself for something that you're not! They love you for you're!" Said Jas.

"You're pathetic! You're all dim-witt!" Teresa screamed.

"Now that just added the reason why no one loves you." I snarled.

"You took everything from me!"

"Wrong! Is because you never change yourself for the better! You're putting the blame on me when it was you to blame! You made yourself a monster and that's what you are! You killed Chris and tried to make me backed away from Muzan! You're the one that is blind! You don't see what bad things that you've done because you're too arrogant to see it yourself! Blinding yourself that you think what you did was right!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I kill you! Today you rise, Today you'll fall!"

"Wrong! I'm not gonna make the same mistake again! Because you were never my sister" I snarled.

"Ooof! Solid Burn!"

"What are you going to do?! Kill Me?! I can't die you know?" She mocked.

"I know. But I know you can with the my blood flowing excessively in your body." I smirked.


I flipped her over and flied, carrying her with me and pushed her off the cliff, me hanging onto her.

She screamed as we fell and I took the chance to shove my hand in her mouth. Making her fangs tear my skin and let my blood flow excessively into her. Just like Muzan, too much blood, her cells will die. Teresa struggled, but my strength is far more greater than hers as I kept shoving my hand further in.

"Hope you rest in peace, sister." I whispered in her ear.

And I meant every word.
Third person pov

"Mitsuki!" Muzan screamed.

He tried to reach her, jumping off the cliff but was held back by Camille and Jas.

A loud explosion erupted.

And Kazuki Mitsuki is dead once again.

Muzan: I Hate you! *Screaming at Author*

Author: I know~ *smirks*

Muzan: Readers, please kill this BITCH for me!

Author: Wah! Don't make me turn you gay in the next chapter! *points finger*

Muzan: What's wrong with teenage girls these days? Why on earth would they like BL so much? That's just utterly repulsive!

Author: BL 4 Life! * fangirl*

Muzan: Spare Me * rolls eyes*

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