"we?" trivia's voice raises an octave. "no, try the head of plastic surgery. no one is touching my face until i've spoken to the head of plastic surgery- no one."

■ ■ ■

"you better be able to fix my face," tricia warns as mark cleans up the wound, whilst lia and callie tend to her other injuries, with the assistance of deluca. "i have pom statewides in a month."

"you're a cheerleader?" callie raises a brow.

"i'm a pom," tricia scoffs.

"cheerleaders just jump around. poms are dancers," mark explains, and lia and callie both look to him in bewilderment. "i was on the football team."

"yeah, i'm not sure you're gonna be doing any dancing in the next month," callie admits.

"you better be lying," tricia turns her head slightly to frown at callie.

"not lying," callie shakes her head. "you have very serious knee and leg fractures, not to mention a cracked coccyx."

"what the hell is that?" tricia winces.

"that's the bone at the bottom of your spine," andrew tells her.

"huh?" tricia's brows knit together.

"the bottom of your bottom," lia simplifies for her.

"my ass?" tricia's eyes widen. "i broke my ass."

"that's one way to look at it," deluca shrugs.

"don't look at it," mark shakes his head.

"okay, you're gonna need surgery," lia informs. "but the good news is that we'll put you under so that we can fix the bones and dr. sloan can fix your face all at the same time."

"you better be good," tricia turns to mark.

"baby, you're not gonna find anybody better than me," mark assures and lia scoffs, rolling her eyes.

■ ■ ■

lia, mark, and maggie are all sat eating lunch in the cafeteria when maggie notices some of the girls from the bus crash looking over.

"is it me, or are there teenyboppers staring at you?" maggie uses her head to gesture to the girls, and both lia and mark turn to glance at the giggling teenagers.

"i get that a lot," mark boasts, nonchalantly. "it started when i was their age, never really went away. how else do you think i got your sister to marry me?"

"is that so?" lia challenges, raising her brow.

mark uses his hand to beckon the girls over, and one of them, emma, stands immediately, but her friend, jamie is hesitant. emma pulls at jamie's arm to encourage her, but she continues to protest before eventually giving in.

they both then giggle, their arms linked, as they walk over to the doctors' table, stopping a few feet in front of mark.

"what can i do for you ladies?" mark asks with a charming smile, and lia rolls her eyes.

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