"This isn't good."

Start from the beginning

Once we pulled away, I noticed the sweat that was covering Midoriya's body, and took notice of the way he was breathing heavily.

"Did you just come back from your morning run?" I asked, chuckling.

Midoriya nodded, running his scarred hand through his damp green hair. "Yeah, I just went out for a jog. Maybe tomorrow you could join me?" he asked hopefully, and how could I say no to that puppy-dog face?

I smiled and nodded. "That would be awesome." I sighed.

Bakugou scoffed and pushed between us, grabbing my hand and Midoriya's as we headed towards the elevator.

"C'mon, I'm tired and really want to sleep, so let's get this over with." He sighed.

Midoriya and I both nodded and we entered the elevator silently, not commenting on how Bakugou was squeezing both our hands tightly, as if it was his way of showing that he would protect us.

Bakugou had his usual scowl plastered to his face, but he smiled when he noticed me watching. He slightly released his hold on my hand, and I sighed quietly, because his tight grip was beginning to hurt.

I looked over at Midoriya, who was still smiling since he first saw me. I looked down to his and Bakugou's hands, and worried slightly because Bakugou was still gripping harshly onto Midoriya's hand. Midoriya didn't seem to notice, though, and a part of me felt sick because he was so used to feeling pain

I inhaled sharply as the doors opened, and stumbled out of the elevator. Bakugou had let go of our hands, and was now standing in from of me protectively, and I could tell he wasn't going to let anyone get too close. My heart fluttered at the idea of Bakugou standing up for me, and I could feel my cheeks turn red.

A familiar yell from a certain electricity user snapped me from my thoughts.

"Kirishima!" Kaminari exclaimed as he ran towards me, ducking under Bakugou's threatening outstretched arm and crashing into me with a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey Kami." I laughed, hugging him back tightly.

Kaminari was silent for a while, gripping onto my shirt with no sign of letting go. His shoulders were shaking and he fell to his knees, my heart breaking as I heard chocked sobs escape the boy's mouth.

"Hey," I murmured, kneeling down in front of him and putting my hands on his shoulders. "It's okay, Kami, I'm fine."

The yellow and black haired teen shook his head and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around me as he sobbed harder.

"I-I was –," he sobbed again, sniffing as he pressed his face into my chest. "I was s-so scared. I d-didn't know how bad it was and I couldn't see you –."

"Hey," I interrupted firmly, putting my hand on the back of his head and caressing my fingers through his hair soothingly. "I wasn't hurt too bad, I swear. It was just a little heat stroke."

Kami sniffed again and nodded, tightening his arms around my back. "J-Just don't do that again."

I chuckled, and pressed him closer to me, resting my chin on his surprisingly soft hair.

"Okay, Kami."

I closed my eyes and just held him for a minute, a wave of emotion bringing tears to my eyes, because damn, it felt good to be back with people that cared about me.

Not that Midoriya or Todoroki and Bakugou don't care, because I know they do, but they are all really preoccupied with their own problems, and I don't want to be a burden to them.

But Kaminari, Sero and Mina were always there to comfort me, and that I am forever grateful for.

"Hey! Guys! Kirishima's back!" I heard another voice shout, and I looked up to see Sero, who was smirking like an idiot.

I smiled up at him and reached towards him with one of my arms, pulling him into the hug with Kaminari and I.

"Damn, dude!" Sero exclaimed, laughing as he hugged my side. "We were all so worried!"

I chuckled and hugged him back, my smile unconsciously growing.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I pressed, looking up to see that some more classmates had gathered around us.

"Welcome back Kiri!" Mina yelled, crashing into us and causing us to fall over, but managed to hug me around the neck.

We all laughed and rolled around for a bit before finally standing.

I was huffing a laugh when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to Ururaka, who was quick to wrap her arms around my waist.

"We're so happy that you're better!" she grinned before stepping away, letting the rest of the class have their turn to hug and greet me, which I was surprised about.

Even Tokoyami hugged me, and let's just say that my face has never been that red before in my life.

When they all said their part, we ended up in the lounge room with a slightly unsettling silence resting throughout the room.

We all sat there for a few minutes talking and catching up before Midoriya stood, smiling at us all apologetically.

"Sorry guys," he apologised, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "It's getting a little late and I need to go back to the hospital, but I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?"

We all nodded and smiled.

"See ya, Midoriya!"

"Bye, Deku-Kun!"

"Tell Todoroki that we said hi!"

"Don't come back too late!"

Midoriya smiled sadly again and left the room, his shoulders slouching.

The room was once again silent, until Sero spoke up.

"Wow, Midoriya seemed a lot more tired than usual," he claimed, his usual smile replaced with a frown. "I hope he's getting enough sleep."

Mina scoffed. "Of course he isn't getting enough sleep, idiot!" she exclaimed, and we were all shocked at her outburst. "It's because he's busy worrying about Todoroki, and we all know that most nights he doesn't even come back to the dorms, which means he stays overnight at the hospital."

We all nodded and I looked down, not really comfortable with this conversation.

"This isn't good," Lida agreed, clearing his throat. "It isn't healthy for Midoriya to spend all his time in such a depressing place."

Bakugou nodded and spoke up, and I glanced at him. "Well, he ain't giving up on Todoroki any time soon, so drop it."

We were all silent again, shocked at a single detail in Bakugou's words.

"W-What do you mean by 'giving up on Todoroki' Bakugou?" Momo asked, voice wobbling with fear.

Bakugou and I both stiffened, and he looked away, standing and walking out of the room.

"It's nothing, and I said drop it."

Then he left, with the class dumbfounded and questioning glances being thrown my way.

I sighed and stood up, knowing what they were going to ask. "He's fine, okay? Todoroki's doing much better now and will defiantly pull through, so don't worry about it."

I then walked out of the room, fast walking towards my dorm.

From down the hall, the scared voice of Momo echoed.

"But what if he doesn't?"

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