Chapter 23

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Chapter 22

        Connor walked me up to my room.  We stopped by the door and just stood there in an awkward silence.  "Thank you for helping me.  You've really, err, changed," I looked up at him and smiled.  "I think I like the new you better than the old one." 

        His emerald eyes twinkled with delight.  "I like the new me too.  It's all because of you, you know?" I shook my head a little and his smile got even bigger.  "Well, I believe this is where I leave you," he said as he picked up my hand.  My heart thudded a little too fast as his lips pressed to the back of my hand.  He dropped my hand and walked down the hall whistling happy to him as I stood in my doorway watching him walking away.

        I opened up the door and jumped onto my bed.  I stuffed my face into my pillow and smiled.  My thoughts were full with Connor, the new Connor mostly.  The only old memory I thought of was the time when Connor pulled me out of the way of a car.  I was walking across the road not paying attention when a car came hurtling towards me.  I'm not sure how he did it but he saved me.  He's saved me twice, and for that, I'll be eternally grateful. 

        Landon suddenly flooded my memories and tears prickled in the corners' of my eyes.  How can I start liking another person so soon?  I really did like Landon and his deception hurts like salt in a wound.  Sadly, the wound just had to be my heart.  I hope that we can at least be friends.  I took in a shaky breath.  What if we won't be though?  What will become of my friends and me, since they were his friends before mine?  More tears fell freely down my eyes.  On top of all this, the Savior thing it's the cherry in this messed up sundae that's my life.   How could my life get this screwed up within twenty-four hours?

        I sighed and heaved myself up from my bed.  I grabbed some fuzzy blue and yellow polka dotted shorts and a white tank top.  I contemplated my alligator robe, but in the end, I threw it in the pile too.  I stepped into the shower and just let the water relieve my tension.  I can't believe that I got all the advance elements meaning I can control all the secondary elements too.  I believe they said for water, I could make tornadoes, lightning, and other water related power.  Some people, though, may be able to make lightning, but not be able to control a tornado. 

        I sighed and turned off the water.  Just when I thought my life was somewhat normal, it just had to turn itself upside down.  I slipped into my pajamas and put on my robe.  I brushed my wet hair into a simple braid and walked out of the bathroom.  I immediately went straight to the refrigerator and took out the cookies and crème ice cream.  I grabbed a spoon and sat it down on my bed.  I walked over to my laptop that I've barely used.  I plugged it in and went to look at the movies Jacklynn and I bought.  I scanned over them until I found my childhood favorite; The Lion King.  I stuck it into my laptop and I sat on my bed stuffing my face while watching the movie.  The last time I watched this movie was the night of my parents' death.  I just had gotten to the part where Simba finds Nala when the spoon dropped from my hand and I leaned my head against my pillow.  Ice cream dripped from my mouth as I fell into my worst nightmare.

        My hand grasped the plastic phone and I pulled myself up against the wall.  I coughed so hard more blood came out.  My head was getting dizzier and the world started to turn funny colors.  I pressed the three numbers I've had memorized since I was just a little child; 911.

        "911, please state your emergency," said a bored yet halfway attentive voice.

        I took in a long painful breath, "Please help me.  I'm sick and injured and I have reason to believe that my parents just died," I broke off sobbing. 

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