Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I closed my eyes and put my hands against the wall trying to find my way blindly through the room while trying to calm myself at the same time. I stretched out my other arm and found that there was a wall about a foot from me. Suddenly, it wasn't there. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in an interrogation like room. The only thing different was there was no mirror on the wall. A man was sitting at the desk... a man I recognized to well.

"You!" we both said at the same time. Professor Yapper sat he desk looking shocked that it was me. "It just had to be you!" I said while throwing my hands in front in the air and walking around.

"I was thinking the same thing," said Professor Yapper. "For some reason I instantly disliked you, did you know that."

"God, why don't you just shot me now?" I said sarcastically. "It's not like it's obvious on your face!"

"Don't take the Lord's name in vain young lady," he said while looking at me seriously.

"Fine, how about, oh Buddha or how about, oh Zeus?" I said sarcastically.

"Just take a seat so we can start this!" he said while pointing to the seat in front of him. I slowly sank into the cold plastic chair.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" I asked skeptically. He looked at me with a shock expression.

"Of course not!" he said in disbelief even though I swear I heard him mumble, "But I wish I could."

"Fine, let the testing begin then!" I said as I sat up straighter. He set out for objects; a lit candle, a rock, a bowl of water, and pin wheel.

"For each of these tests you have to concentrate. Try to make it them grow, move, or even levitate while using that one element. You will being with air, then water, then earth, and then, finally, fire. Remember, there hasn't been a fire elemental for hundreds of years so don't get your hopes up," he said to me in a serious voice.

"Kay, here goes nothing," I mumbled as I picked up the pin wheel. How to make it move? Well, he did say to use the element. I smiled at myself because I know this would annoy him. "So all I have to do is try to move this with the element air, right?" I asked innocently. He nodded his head and made go on with it motion. I sucked in a big breath and blew at the pin wheel. As soon as I blew on it for three seconds I fell out of the chair laughing hysterically.

"What was that?" Professor Yapper said while holding back the anger that was boiling right under his skin.

"Well, technically, I used the air element to make it move! So, yay, I have the air element!" I said while laughing and getting up from the ground. I rubbed my ribs softly to sooth them from the laughing attack.

"If you're not going to take this seriously Miss Lynch than all I'm doing is wasting your time," he said as he got up from his chair causing it to squeak on the white floor.

I stopped laughing and stared at him in shock. I held my hands out in front of me as if that could stop him from moving anymore. "No, no, you just sit right there and I'll take it seriously. I promise!" I said as I held out my pinkie. Yes, I still do the pinkie promise. He sneered at my pinkie and sat back down on the blue plastic chair.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it. Now begin again and this time be serious, or else," he said threateningly. I nodded and looked back at the pin wheel. "Try imagining the air flowing through you and brushing across your face," he told me softly. I nodded and looked back at the pin wheel again. I thought of the soft breeze during the summer that would caress my face softly and cooling me for a second or two. Yet, nothing happened. I glared at the pinwheel trying to convince it to move and yet nothing. Pressure was accumulating in my head as I just continued to glare at it. "Okay, that's enough. You obviously don't possess the air element," he said breaking my concentration.

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