Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Landon literally had to hold me down to keep me in the seat. I was one of the first ones! YAY YAY YAY!!! The two girls that Britney pointed at came over to our table. Huh, what's a good nick-name for Britney... hmm...? GOT IT!!! Bratney is what I'll call her. I snickered under my breath at the childishness.

"Hey," said the pretty black haired one. "You're name is Dae right?"

"Yep, and I'm sorry but I can't remember your names. I swear I suffer from short-term memory loss," I said smiling at them. The one to the right had short glossy back hair that ended near her shoulders in layers. Her eyes were a fascinating light green. The one on the left was a blond with awesome light purple eyes. Her blond hair was also short but not as short. She had side bangs also.

The both chuckled at me. "No problem," said the blonde one. "I'm Marne," she said. Her name rhymed with Barnie; again, with the childishness.

"I'm Willow," said the black haired girl.

"Awesome, I'm Dae and this is Landon, Leah, Marcus, Jacklynn, Mitchell, and Caleb." I said as I pointed out to everyone. Willow's eyes lingered on Caleb for a few extra seconds.

"Hey, does your last name start with the letters L-N?" asked Marne.

"Yep, Lynch," I said while smiling at Landon. I told him what all of my names put together meant and he and I have thought it as our own little joke.

"Oh cool, like the hanging mob Lynch?" asked Willow.

"Yep, do your last names start with L-N?" I asked.

The both nodded excitedly, "Yes, but I'm a sophomore but Marne isn't!" said Willow excitedly.

"Awesome, so maybe we'll have some class's together Marne."

She shook her head yes, "I'm sure we will, but hey I'm going to go get in line," she said while pointing her thumb near the door.

Both Willow and Marne started walking over towards the door.

"Hey, I think you should go too," Landon said. I nodded my head now nervous. I'm guessing he saw it in my eyes. "Hey, you'll do great just like you always do. Your name is Dae, you know?" I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.

"Kay, I guess I should get going; I'll see you guys later!" I called over my shoulder as I walked towards the line.

"Line up in alphabetical order!" yelled a stern voice from somewhere in the crowd of kids. I made my way to the front of the line. "Dae, you're in front of me!" yelled Marne over the noisy crowd. I scanned the area and saw her standing in line. I smiled at her and made my way over there.

"Hey, just wondering what your last name is?" I asked her.

"Oh, don't laugh, but its Link," I smiled at her. Why would I laugh at that?

"Why would I laugh?" she just shook her shoulders. I turned my back and faced the front. The line was getting longer and even more compact. People pushed against my ribs making me grind my teeth in pain. I was relieved when we finally walked out the door. We walked down the corridor till we got to this gym looking place. It was very large and had very good acoustics, sadly, that's not what we needed. Every little whisper sounded like someone yelling.

"Quiet!" yelled someone from in front of the line. I cringed and put my hands to my ears. Sheesh, why not just take a blow horn to our ears? Notice my sarcasm. Thankfully, everyone got quiet after some nasty remarks towards the yeller. The yeller stepped out of the front so everyone could see him. He had dark grey hair that was balding on the top. His eyes were a sarcastic grey color and I automatically knew I wouldn't like him.

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