Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

        Landon's eyes turned a darker sea green with a hint of silver in them and a small wind picked up around us.  Is there a window opened in here?  I glanced around not seeing any.  I shivered and pulled my sweater tighter around me.

        "Calm down now," said Leah as she looked worriedly between me, Landon, and Connor.  "No need for it to get into a fight," she whispered the last part.  Landon's tense body relaxed a little as I put a hand on his arm and his eyes grew mellower.  The wind stopped almost immediately.

        "You will never do such a thing again Connor.  Do you hear me?  For if you do, you will wish that you never were born," Landon's voice was a cool ice as he spat the words to Connor who just shrugged and left the table.  I leaned my head against Landon's shoulder and held his hand tighter.

        "Thanks," I whispered into his ear.

        "No problem.  I'll do anything for you."  That's a first.  Why would anyone do something for me, especially Landon?  Sure I'm his charge but that's all I was to him, right?  Sure, I really do like Landon but I can't let him know that.

        "Let's eat our dinner and we can figure out the rest later, okay?" Landon glanced over at me and I nodded.  I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked down at the menu.  The menu was large but I ended up selecting breakfast food instead of real dinner food.

        "Um, how are we supposed to order?"  I asked the table as the smiled at me.

        "Do you know what you want?"  Landon asked while giving the rest of them a stern look.

        "Sure do," I said happily trying to break the tension the table was emitting.

        "Okay, write it here," he said pointing down at a notepad.  I did as I   was told and wrote down, mini cinnamon rolls, pancakes with extra whipped cream, turkey sausage, orange juice, a bottle of doctor pepper, and cherry cheese cake.  What?  I haven't eaten anything for at least a day and let me tell you, I was hungry!  Landon smiled at my order.  "Now flip the notepad over," I did as I was told and waited for a few seconds.  "Now, flip it back over," as I did I stared down at the notepad confused.  There wasn't any type of writing whatsoever on it even though I knew I put my order there.

        "What happened to it?" I looked up at the table with a confused expression.  Everyone was smiling at me as if I was amusing; I probably was.  I started flipping through the notepad seeing nothing on it.  I looked under the table and on the floor.  Suddenly, Marcus broke into a huge bellowing laugh that echoed throughout the lunch room.  I glared at him.             

"This is so not funny," and then almost everyone else at the table started laughing except for Landon, Leah, and Jacklynn.

        "You'll figure it out soon enough," Landon whispered into my ear.  I sighed, what was up with this school and its secrets? 

        After everyone calmed down I looked at the notepad again.  "So when does my food come?"  I looked at the notepad again and thought about how maybe my food was under it.

        "Have you looked under the table?" laughed Marcus as Leah swatted him.

        "Hardy-har-har-har," I said sarcastically and looking up to Landon for help.

        "Leah, it's right in front of you," I looked back down and gasped which made everyone at the table laugh including Landon.  Where the notepad had been seconds ago my meal was.  Landon gave me a one handed hug and began eating his meal that had appeared in front of him, it was like magic.

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