Chapter 15: Summer Ice Dancing

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*Two months later*

Elsa forced you to stay in the castle beds until your ribs healed. Your concussion was horrible, but it healed with three weeks. 

You have since learned that the three former Arendelle guards were sent to prison where they would stay for the rest of their lives. Anna and Kristoff were a couple, and Olaf had his own flurry so he wouldn't melt in the warm weather. 

Everyone loved Elsa's magic, and she kept a permanent rink at the back of the castle and one in an open venue for the citizens to use. 

One afternoon while you were in bed, of course, Elsa walked into your room to check on you. 

"Hello gorgeous," you say, and Elsa blushes.

"Come here," you say, patting the bed. 

She smiles and gets into bed with you, "Are you feeling better?"

"I tell you I am every day but you still won't let me move around," you complain.

"Well because you still need time to heal," Elsa says firmly. 

"I don't, I feel fine," you whine. She laughs and shakes her head. 

You put your arm around Elsa's shoulders, and she leans into your chest. 

"Wait, I shouldn't do that. Your ribs are still hurt," she says trying to pull away, but pull her in tighter and kiss her.

"I'm fine, I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend. Is that so much to ask," you say. Elsa hesitates, but leans back into you, putting her head under your neck. 

"Just tell me if I hurt you," she says.

"I love you," you say. 

Elsa sighs contently. "Mmmm, I love you too," She was about to doze off when someone bursts through the door. 

"Your majesty, your presence is requested at - oh, sorry. I didn't mean to intrude," an embarrassed servant walks back out the door.  

Elsa sighs, getting up from her comfortable position. 

"I've got to go, but I'll see you tonight," she says. 

You smirk, "I'm fine with that. I've got a surprise for you." 

"I'm scared now," Elsa jokes, and leans in for a kiss. You comply, pressing your lips gently against hers, not wanting her to leave. She pulls away reluctantly and walks out of the room. 

You smile, now was when the fun begins. 


It was around 9 o'clock at night, and you were busy preparing for your surprise when Elsa left. She was busy with meetings and greetings, and all that other stuff you didn't care for. 

You told the staff about your surprise for Elsa, and asked them to keep her away from your room so you could prepare. 

She never got any time with you, so you were going to make tonight special. You placed water candles (candles with a bubble of water so they won't melt the ice) around the skating rink in the shape of a heart, and some in the trees. 

You got two wineglasses and a bottle of champagne, and placed them on a water table you made. 

You got out the ice ornaments that you had carefully carved with your switchblade. You had bought ice from Kristoff and carved snowflakes, snowmen, skates, a horse, and other things that you saw on the trees while you were looking for Elsa. 

You made a water bubble around them so they wouldn't melt. You hung them on the trees and nod to yourself. It's coming together, you think. 

Even though Elsa could walk to the rink, you created a water bridge to the back of the castle form the rink, just for the fun of it, and placed water candles along the sides. 

You leaned your father's guitar against the trunk a tree, that had carved Elsa + Y/N in the bark from when you were children.

You had nothing to do while you were in bed for two months, so you asked a servant to get your father's guitar from your former house, and you learned a song. 

For the final touch, you flick out your switchblade, and carve a huge fire and ice symbol into the middle of the rink that Elsa had created as one of her ice clues. A snowflake with flames showing on the top. You create a thin water bubble on top of it, so it wouldn't disappear when you would skate with Elsa. 

You put on your skates and smile, knowing that Elsa would have just found your water note.

Meet me at the castle's rink at 10 o'clock pm. No, I'm not hurt, my ribs and head feel fine, everything feels fine. Stop worrying and come down. 



You look up and see Elsa reading your note through the castle window. You lean against the tree and pick up your guitar, ready for Elsa to come. 

You wave your hand and a small version of Nokk appears, "Go get her." He neighs and flies into the window. 

Five minutes later, you see the platinum blonde exit the castle. You see her face light up at the water bridge and the candles. She looks up and sees you, and smiles. 

You strum your guitar, and sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran as she walks towards you. Elsa looks around and sees the ornaments, candles, wine, and all the effort you put into making the night special for her. 

Elsa looks at you with a shy smile as you finish the song. 

"You didn't have to do all of this for me," Elsa says blushing. 

"Actually, I would've done more, but you kept me in bed," you say, pushing yourself to your feet. You take her hand and kiss the back. 

"You wanna dance with me, gorgeous," you ask with a smile. 

"Yes," Elsa replies. 

You skate slowly, occasionally spinning Elsa around. You lean in and kiss her slowly, her lips soft and pleasantly cool against yours. 

Elsa wraps her arms around your shoulders, and you place your arms around her waist. You kiss her deeply and she sighs happily. You never want this moment to end. 

Elsa pulls away, "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Elsa," you say, and kiss her gently.

Elsa puts her head on your chest and leans against you with her eyes closed, a small smile on her lips. You smile contently and kiss the top of her head.

You kept her warm and she kept you cool, perfectly balanced as you two dance into the night.

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now