Chapter 4: Elsa

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Elsa stares at you in disbelief, "My parents found you to help me?" You nod, not sure what to say. Elsa looked surprised but pleased, and maybe slightly afraid. 

You step closer to her, "I have powers too. I can control water." You waved your hand, and a water snowflake appeared.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never told me," you bite back a smile when she rolls her eyes. 

"It's been so long since I've seen you," she whispers. You nod noticing how pretty she looks in her blue dress. 

"So tell me what happened. You never had any ice problems when you with me," you say curious. 

She sighs, and tells you what happened with her sister and how they were playing in her snow and how she accidentally hit her with ice in her head. She told you about the trolls, and how they removed the ice but warned her that she has to learn how to control her powers. She sounded sad when she explained that Grand Pabbie took away Anna's memories of her powers, and scared when saying that she couldn't control the ice anymore, and it just came out of her fingers. 

"I think you're scared, and that's the problem," you say, certain. Elsa looks at you, puzzled. "You weren't scared before, with me or when you were playing with Anna. And that's when you were in control of the ice. But when you hit her and you the trolls explained it to you, you became scared. So that's when you ice started to spread or come out uncontrollably. Forgive me, but I think your father made a mistake isolating you from everyone, because it has made you more scared."

"I can't help being scared. I don't want to hurt anyone like that ever again. And I don't know how you can help me. You have control over your water, and I'm never going to stop being scared, and-" she puts her head in her hands. You go over to her and put your hand on her shoulder. 

"Don't touch me," she yelled. "I don't want to hurt you. You should go." she says after, softer. 

You smile sadly, "You can't. I didn't tell your parents this, but I was born with fire powers, and learned how to control water after an accident with fire left 5 boys severely burned and-" you choked. "a girl I babysat for dead." 

Elsa stared at you, "So you can control water and fire?" You snap your fingers and fire appeared in your palm. After a couple of seconds you made a fist and the fire disappeared. 

You nod sadly, "I was scared too, and I had to go out into the mountains everyday so people wouldn't notice fire coming out of my hands. But eventually I learned to control it, but I was still scared, so I learned how to control water, which I loved. I loved rivers, and lakes and oceans, so I learned how to control that." 

"You want me to learn fire to balance the ice," she asks slowly, not loving the idea. 

"Not exactly. I wanted to learn water powers, because I enjoyed it, and it sort of helped me let go of my fear. You should find something that can help you let go of your fear, and I'm not sure fire is it," you say. 

Elsa nodded, "I think I understand, but I'm not sure how to find something that will help." 

You smile at her, "That's why I'm here. So will you let me help you?"

Elsa hesitated before smiling back, "Okay." 


The King and Queen let you stay in the castle, as your mother had "kicked you out." You helped Elsa control her powers little by little every day. You even got her to take off her gloves. She was improving, though occasionally ice would shoot out unexpectedly.

You regularly reminded her of the beauty of her powers, the snow she could create and the ice rinks that they used to skate on. You tried to get her to concentrate on you, and that somewhat helped, though Elsa still had some fear.

The two of you talked a lot, and resumed your friendship that had ended when the gates closed. You and Elsa were very close, and she would open up to you, something she wouldn't do to even her parents. 

She told you about her regret for not opening her door to Anna, who knocked on her door frequently. You understood why Elsa wanted to protect Anna from her powers, but you wished she would talk to her. You knew Elsa loved Anna, as she kept the snowman Christmas gifts that Anna gave her every year. Elsa told you about the snowman, Olaf, that her and Anna built together as children. 

You sometimes played with Anna, and which made her happy. She asked about Elsa a lot, to which you said that Elsa loves Anna very much, but can't play at the moment.  

The King and Queen told you they were happy with the small progress that Elsa has made. Every other week you would give them a report of what you did, how Elsa was managing, and what you were planning on doing the next weeks. 

You stayed in the castle for three years - until you were 18 years old. Elsa was growing to be a beautiful woman. You wanted to tell her how you felt about her, suspecting she felt the same, but you didn't want to take advantage of the King and Queen. Besides, Elsa was still scared. Her magic was stronger, and so was her fear. No matter what you tried, she was still scared. 

One day, Elsa's parents went out to sea, and their ship was lost in a storm. You comforted her, but you attended the King and Queen's  funeral while Elsa stayed in her room. 

Anna kept trying to get you to talk about Elsa, but you wouldn't. You almost caved in when she started to cry. You hated when people cried. You hugged Anna, and told her that you wished that Elsa would talk to her, and that it confused you too why she wouldn't. 

After the funeral, you made your way through the familiar corridors to Elsa's room. You knocked, and let yourself in. 

You froze. Snow was falling from the ceiling. Her room was covered in ice. The walls, floor, everything. The paths of ice led to a grieving Elsa, who sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. 

You rushed over to her, she tensed when you hugged her, but leaned into your embrace. 

She wiped her eyes, "You need to go." 

You shook your head, "I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not improving anymore. I still can't get rid of the fear. No matter how much I've enjoyed your company and our talks, it's pointless try to help me. Please, go," Elsa said desperately. 

You opened your mouth to say something, when Anna knocked on the door. Anna begged Elsa to open her door, saying that she was there for her if she would just let her in. Anna expressed her anguish at their parents' death, and said that it's just her and Elsa. Anna's voice cracked when she asked if Elsa wanted to build a snowman. 

Elsa held in a sob, and put her head to her knees. When she heard Anna's footsteps fade, she looked at you, "You need to go." 

She halfheartedly threw an ice snowball at you, which you blocked with a wave of your hand. The flames melted some of the snow surrounding you. 

"You know I'l do anything for you," you say, "Is this what you really want?" 

"Yes," she says, tears streaming down her face. 

You nod, "Alright." 

You left her room, and out of the castle, explaining to the guards. You walked an hour to the edge of Arendelle, and you looked back at the castle, tears forming in your eyes. You turned around and started up the slope of the mountain. 

The second you left, Elsa cried openly, and snow in her room thickened, and fell from the ceiling faster, now combining the loss of three of the most important people in her life.

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now