Chapter 3: The Castle

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The guards quickly ushered you into the castle, leaving you slightly puzzled and afraid. The King and Queen shut the gates and wouldn't allow anyone in for any reason. You concluded that because of your powers that the guards had witnessed, you would most likely be executed. 

You walked with the guards keeping your head down, though you saw how beautiful the castle was. Velvet carpets and drapes with gold embellishments. You stopped admiring the floors when you remembered that you were about to be executed.

You sighed, remembering when you were friends with Elsa. You met her when her parents went out to greet some Duke and Duchess. You talked for a bit before she had to leave. After that she would go out and meet you every day that she was able. Winter was the best. You would go skating, build snowmen, have snow fights with her sister, almost kissing her under the oak tree...and then the gates shut and you haven't seen her for around a year. 

You were led into the throne room, where the King and Queen sat. You walked up, and the guards stopped and took a few steps back from you, though you were still surrounded. The head guard walked to the royals, bowed, and whispered something. You stopped ten feet in front of the monarchs, and bowed. 

"Your majesty," you start, your head still down. 

The King waved the guards away, "Wait outside the door." 

The King looked at you, "The guards brought your here under my directions, because they have witnessed you use magic." 

"Yes, I was protecting my friend from two boys who were going to hurt him. Initially I was not going to use magic, however they overpowered me and took my knife. I feared for my friend's safety and mine, so I turned to magic. I am sorry for anything I have done to upset you," you explain.

"Someone has troubles controlling their magic, so we issued an order to find someone who can use magic or has knowledge of it. We would like your help," the Queen said. 

You looked up disbelievingly, "You're not going to execute me?" The Queen smiled and glanced at her husband.  

"Forgive me, I meant that yes, I would be honoured be of any assistance to you. I am able to control water pretty well, and my father, who died, had many books about magic which may be able to help," you say quickly.

The King nodded and thought for a long moment. Finally, he asked me to tell him your story. You told him.

You lived in Arendelle your whole life with your mother and father, though your father's ancestors came from Northuldra. You heard the Queen gasp slightly at this. You decided to ignore it, as the King was looking at you intently. Sometime, you ancestors moved to Arendelle, and you've stayed there for several decades. Your father was born with the power of air, but your mother was not born or able to learn magic, even with your father's books. You left out the your fire abilities, replacing it with water. You told them that you learned you could control water 5 years ago when it came out by accident. You were scared, and your father had died 2 years before, and couldn't help you. You used his books to help you control and embrace the water. You left out that you ran away from home, instead saying that your mother kicked you out, and you've been living on the edge of Arendelle and the mountains, surviving on reindeer meat, fish, and the rare vegetables you bought from the market. You often looked after children for money, and had a bond with them. You showed them your "water tricks" which they really enjoyed, but kept a secret.

"And that's pretty much my life," you say. 

"Do your father say anything about Northuldra," the Queen said softly, almost a whispering. 

"He said that they follow magic, but were not born with it. He joked around the he was a special case, though I knew he hoped I would also develop magic too. He told me about the fire, water, air and earth, and maybe mentioned a fifth spirit but I'm not sure..." you say. The Queen nodded, but seemed unsatisfied. 

"How old are you," the King asked. 


"Based on what you told me, I think you may be able to help her."

"I would be glad to do so, whoever she is." 

The Queen cleared her throat, "I know you were friends with Elsa before the gates closed. Did you have any idea about her powers?"

You stared blankly at the Queen.

"I'll take that as a no. She has ice powers, but is struggling to control them. Do you think you can help her?" 


The King nodded, and called in the guards. He said that one of them will escort you to Elsa's room where she spends most of her time. 

"We will not come with you, because we are aware that you were close with Elsa before. But Andrew will show you where Elsa's is," The King said.

The lead guard stepped forward and led you to a different out of the room and into the hallway. You couldn't keep track of all the doors we passed and hallways we entered. You stopped at a white door embroidered with blue Norwegian designs. 

"She's in there. But be careful," the guard warned. "I will be stationed close, so just shout if you need anything." 

"I will. Thank you," you say. The guard nodded and walked down the hall. You take a deep breath. It's been so long since you've seen Elsa. You slowly open her door, and walk in. 

She's facing the window, looking out at Arendelle, her gloved hands resting on the windowsill. You step forward cautiously. 

"Hey Elsa," you say quietly.

She turned around, and when she saw you her eyes widened in surprise, "Y/N?"

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now