Chapter 14: Last Attack

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As everything thawed, the ship you were standing on became visible. You smiled at the Elsa and Anna hugging, and stepped off of the ship into the water, giving the sisters a moment. However, you did see the awesome punch Anna gave to Hans. 

You swim towards Hans who was just getting out of the water and you drag him back in. 

"What the-" he sputters, thrashing in the water. 

"I don't think Anna hit you hard enough," you say, punching him in his jaw. You pick up his limp body and pass him to the Arendelle guards, who put locked him on a ship going back to the Southern Isles. 

You walk past the open castle gates to see that Elsa created a beautiful skating rink, and changed the fountains to ice with a flourish of her hands. 

You see Elsa skate with a struggling Anna and you chuckle, remembering when you kept falling . You wanted to skate with Elsa, but you knew that you needed medical attention for your ribs, cuts and concussion. 

You were walking past houses trying to find the doctor's address, when someone shoves you into an alleyway. You look up from the ground and see three Arendelle guards. 

When will this end? You think. 

"You cost us our positions," the skinny guard hisses. You then notice that they weren't wearing the green Arendelle uniforms. 

"Actually you cost yourself your positions," you say. You knew that it wasn't a smart thing to say, but your head was throbbing so much and you just wanted to get out of the alley. 

The brown haired man snickers, and he hits you in the face. The other two men advance and punch you too. You groan, and try to get a hit, but you were too slow and someone pinned your wrists against the wall. 

"You wanna fight, well fight me. Come on, fight," the blonde taunts. You struggle, but couldn't get out of his grip. You kick between his legs and he buckles. The blonde slams your head against the stone wall and you howl in pain. 

"I don't think I hit your ribs hard enough last time," the brown haired man rasps, and he hits you twice really hard, and you felt your ribs crack. 

Fire shoots out of your hands as you roar in pain. You hear grunts of pain as you run out of the alley, but you don't turn around. 

"Don't just stand there, move," you hear someone shout. You try to run faster, but every step sent a jolt of pain in your chest and head. 

If I was up to full strength I could take them. You think, annoyed. The three men caught up with you and tackled you to the ground. 

My head can't take all of this. You think dazedly and they punch you again and again. You didn't know it, but you and the men were making a lot of noise, and Elsa was coming, knowing you were there. 

The dark haired man climbed on top of you, pinning you to the ground. You were too tired and weak to fight back, so you let them hit you. Every once and a while, you would unconsciously hit them with water or fire, your body's response to the pain. 

Your switchblade was jostled out of your boot, and one of them picked it up and flicked it open.

"I'm going to enjoy this," the dark haired man said, tracing your face with the blade, before digging it into your cheek. 

You suddenly felt cold air pass over you, and you sigh in relief. Your head felt a little better. The weight of the man was thrown off you suddenly and you open your eyes. 

You see a beautiful platinum blonde woman, with purple eyeshadow and a blue dress run over to you and put your head in her lap. 

"Y/N, Y/N are you okay," she asks, her braid brushing your cheek. How does she know my name, you think. 

"You're very pretty," you say before blacking out. 


Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz