Chapter 13: Blizzard

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You and Elsa run through the increasingly thick snow together. Behind you, you hear Hans' voice order men to look for you and Elsa. 

"Come on," you tug Elsa forward. You lead Elsa away from the castle, but you have no idea where to go. 

"Do you know where we're going to go," you ask Elsa. 

Elsa shakes her head, "I can't see through the snow, and it's just getting thicker." 

You couldn't move too fast because of your bruised ribs and concussion, so when a strong gust of wind blew, you were thrown off to the side. You wrap your hands around your head to protect it as you fall to the ground. 

"Y/N," you hear Elsa scream. You didn't have enough energy to answer her. The snow started to get thicker and the wind stronger, as Elsa panicked. 

You groan, getting up. You see a familiar silhouette of  a Arendelle guard, and you try to run, but slip. 

"Well, I thought I would be seeing you again," the brown haired Arendelle guard chuckles. 

"Please," you beg. He kicks you in the ribs and you scream out in pain. 

"Y/N," you hear Elsa call frantically from a distance. When he kicks you again, you hold in your pain, not wanting to draw Elsa to the guard. 

"Once I'm done with you, I'll get the Queen. I'll make you both pay for what you did to me," the guard snarls.  

When the guards took you from the ice palace, they took away your knives and vials of your powers. However, you feel the familiar shape of your switchblade digging into your foot, and you conceal a smile. They never check the boots. 

You reach down to your boot, pretending to be cradling it in pain. When the guard moves to kick you again, you roll out of the way and stab him with your switchblade. You use water to push you back onto you feet, and create a water sword. 

Wind blows you away and you slam into a snowbank. 

"I'm coming for you," you hear the guard scream. You grunt in pain as you stand up. You see snow blowing your way and you squint. 

"It looks like a...snowman," you mutter to yourself just before it plows into your face, pushing you back into the snowbank. 

You spit the snow out of your mouth, and look at the snowman beside you, "Olaf?"

"Yep that's me, and I like warm hugs. Now I have to go find Anna because Hans is evil and she needs an act of true love so her heart doesn't freeze and she has to get to Kristoff and I'm trying to get to her," Olaf says quickly. 

"Man, that was so many words at once," the snowman pants. You hear a neigh and turn around. Nokk was standing there impatiently. 

"Come on Olaf," you say. 

"Sure-wait...I don't know you," Olaf says suspiciously. 

"I'm a friend of Elsa and Anna's, you can trust me." you say. 

"Okay...but if you turn out to be the bad guy I will get Elsa to freeze you," Olaf says. 

"I'm fine with that," you pick up Olaf and mount the Nokk who galloped towards wherever Elsa or Anna were. 

Suddenly, Nokk started to blow away, water particles going into the stormy sky. He neighs in alarm, and you crash to the ground, Olaf in your arms. 

"Your sister is dead, because of you," you faintly hear Hans' malicious voice.

You pull Olaf towards Hans' voice. Then, the blizzard died down immediately, and across the fjord you saw Elsa on the ground, crying. 

You see Anna on the far side of the fjord, barely moving. Her hair was white and she was weak, the ice in her heart close to killing her. 

"Anna," You see the blonde guy run towards her, which you conclude to be Kristoff, based on what Olaf told you.

"Elsa," you yell, but you were too far away for her to hear you. You look around, noticing that ice and snow were everywhere, but the wind was gone. In her grief, Elsa's blizzard subsided. 

You run as fast as you can with bruised ribs when you see Hans unsheathe his sword. 

"Elsa," you cry out, but you were still to far away. As Hans brought his sword down, Anna runs in front of it and stretches her hand out.

"No," Anna yells, and she freezes into ice, sacrificing herself for her sister. 

The ginger's sword came down on Anna's outstretched hand, but he was propelled backwards. He hit his head on something and didn't move. Anna's last breath was visible in the cold.

You stop running, reaching the sisters. Elsa looks behind her, and sees Anna. 

"Anna!" Elsa screams, "Anna, no, no, please no." Elsa begs, cupping Anna's frozen cheeks in her hands. Tears well in her eyes as she looks at Anna's frozen face. 

"Anna," Elsa sobs, hugging her sister. 

"Anna," Olaf says quietly. You bow your head, along with Olaf, Kristoff, the reindeer, and the dignitaries watching from the castle balcony. 

Then, you see colour start to form on Anna's chest. You look up, and watch as Anna slowly thaws and returns to herself. 

Anna bring her hand down, and Elsa looked up, sensing feeling Anna move. 

"Anna," Elsa says, then hugs her sister tightly. 

"Oh Elsa," Anna breathed. 

"You sacrificed yourself for me," Elsa asked disbelievingly. 

"I love you," Anna says. 

"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," Olaf realizes. 

"Love will thaw," Elsa says thoughtfully, "Love. Of course. Love," Elsa says, as she moves her arms up. 

The snow and ice rises into the sky, and forms into a beautiful snowflake, which Elsa sends away. 

Summer was back, and Arendelle was back to normal. You smile, I knew she could do it.

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now