Chapter 10: Tree Observations

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Elsa wanted to come with you, but you convinced her not to. Even though Elsa didn't mean to create ice spikes or make the Duke fall, Arendelle citizens might not see it that way. People might be hunting for her, and you didn't want her to go to Arendelle prison.

You walked deep into the forest looking for any animal that would saunter by. You hid by some trees and bushes, and after a while, a reindeer came along. 

It was sniffing the snow, trying to find what was under it to eat. A water spear appeared in your hand, and you were about to throw it, when you heard voices.

You used water to push you up into a nearby tree silently and you watched from above. Anna, a familiar looking and very alive snowman, and a strong, blonde guy were following the reindeer.

"So how exactly are you planning on stopping this weather," the blonde asked.

"Oh I am going to talk to my sister," Anna says confidently.

"That's it? My ice riding business is riding on you talking to your sister," the blonde asks, unimpressed. 

You didn't hear what Anna says after, because you were warning Elsa that Anna is looking for her, with a water note.

Anna is coming up the mountain looking for you. There is a man, a reindeer, and a snowman that is accompanying her. She is quite close, she might be there within five minutes that this message gets to you. They were talking about "stopping weather" and think you're able to. I don't know what they mean by that. I couldn't kill the reindeer, as I think the brawny guy would kill me, but I'll be back with meat soon.

Stay safe,


You finish signing your name, and send the message to Elsa with a swish of your hand. Anna and her group had moved on. You're about to climb down from the tree when you spot a caribou coming closer. It wasn't with anyone, and you form a water bow and arrow.

You take aim, and shoot the animal in the eye, killing it instantly. You were going to climb down from the tree when you see people in the distance.

You squint, and recognize Hans, the handsome ginger Anna was dancing with at Elsa's party, leading a group up the mountain. Behind him were Arendelle guards and two men that you remember seeing with the Duke. They were further behind Anna, but they would soon be able to see the giant ice palace. They would reach the castle by nightfall. 

Your eyes widen, and you scramble down from the tree. You flick your hand and the caribou slides into a nearby river, where it would travel to the ice palace. You start to run back to Elsa, but you were slowed by the snow on the mountain. 

You hear a neigh behind you, and Nokk shoots past you. He circles back, and you jump on. 

"Go," you shout urgently. As Nokk gallops to the castle, you see a giant snow boulder with ice spikes on his back chase someone. 

Nokk gets you to the palace in 15 minutes, and you run up the ice staircase and into the foyer. 

"Elsa," you gasp, out of breath. You notice she's not there, and go up the stairs. You find her in the room with the balcony. The ice in this room had a red tint, and ice spikes had protruded to the platinum blonde in the middle of the room. 

Elsa was pacing, her fingers to her temples, mumbling something. 

"Elsa," you say quietly. 

She looks at you, tears in her eyes, "I got your message just before Anna got here. The weather you heard them talk about, I created a permanent winter in Arendelle." 

You open your mouth, but Elsa continues, "Don't tell me you know I can fix it, because I can't. I don't know how to." 

You walk over to her and wrap your arms around her. You kiss her forehead while she cries in your shoulder. 

You pull away from Elsa and wipe the tears from her eyes, "I won't tell you that, even though I know that you can, because unfortunately we have more pressing matters at hand. There is a group of Arendelle guards coming this way. They are most likely armed.

"How far away are they," Elsa asks. 

"They probably have already seen your castle, and will be here soon" you reply, noticing it was getting dark outside. 

She nods, "I made a giant snowman of a sort that got Anna out of here. He'll take care of the guards." 

"That giant marshmallow I saw coming here - was that him?" you ask. 

Elsa laughs, "Yeah. And the snowman you mentioned in your note, that was Olaf." 

"He was with Anna," you ask surprised. 

"Yeah! I didn't think he would be alive," Elsa said. 

You shake your head, "Wow." 

"Did you get any meat," Elsa asked. 

"Yeah, the river delivered it, because I was in a rush to warn you about the guards," you explain. 

"Right, the gua-" Elsa was interrupted by voices outside. Elsa looked at you with a panicked expression on her face. 

"Stay here. I'll go out." You say. 

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now