Chapter 9: The Ice Palace

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You dismount Nokk, staring at Elsa's ice palace in wonder. You smile to yourself. Elsa can create beautiful things when she accepts and embraces her powers.

You look behind you for Nokk, but he's disappeared. You slowly climb up the beautiful ice stairway, admiring it. It almost looked like glass, though with a bluer hue and more spectacular.

You reach the top of the stairs, and when you place your knuckles on the ice doors preparing to knock, they open. 

"Elsa," you call out, slipping on the ice. You were amazed at her palace; there was a chandelier on the ceiling, and a beautiful glass staircase. 

You got up and went up the staircase carefully, not wanting to slip and crack the ice. You looked in the rooms upstairs until you found the platinum blonde. 

She was standing on a balcony, looking out at the mountains.

"Hey, gorgeous," you say quietly. She turns around, her eyes widening when she sees you. 

"Y/N?" she says. Elsa looked so much better. The ice dress was beautiful and her hair looked so much better in a braid than it did done up. She looked free. 

"You're beautiful," you blurt out, then look away. 

She laughs, a slight blush on her cheeks, "You tell me that all the time."

"Well I haven't done it in a while so I thought I should," you smirk.

"How's Anna and Arendelle," Elsa asks, her smile fading. 

"There was some snow when you left, but not a lot. I'm sure they'll be fine. Anna will figure it out," you say quickly. 

"I like it out here," Elsa says. 

"I know. It's better for you here. Look what you can create when you're not scared. You look so much better," you say. 

"I'm never going back," Elsa says fiercely. 

"Never?" you ask, a smirk forming on your lips.

"Never," Elsa says firmly. 

"Then you're going to have to put up with me for a long time," you smirk.

"I'm fine with that."


"Whoa," you say, and Elsa catches you for the fifth time. She had brought you outside and made a skating rink and skates for you, but you hadn't skated since you were a child. 

"You really are out of practice," Elsa laughs, and helps you up. 

"Yes," you grumble. 

"Just glide slowly at first, one foot pushing off the ice," Elsa instructs. You do as she says, and you slide across the ice slowly.

"I'm doing it," you grin. Just then, you trip over nothing, and was going to fall headfirst into a tree when arms wrapped around your waist. 

"How come you never fall," you complain. 

"Because I have ice magic...," Elsa says. 

"Right," you mumble. You start to skate slowly around the ice, and you were starting to get the hang of it. So much so that Elsa started to skate on her own and wasn't watching you anymore. 

A brilliant idea started to form in your head, and you smirked. You gathered some snow from a nearby snowbank and formed a ball. You threw it at Elsa, and it hit her chest, causing her to fall. You skated towards her, laughing. 

"I thought the ice Queen never fell," you teased, offering her your arm. 

"That doesn't count," Elsa protested, and you laughed. She discreetly formed another thin layer of slipperier ice beneath your feet. When you helped her up, you slipped and fell on your back, Elsa landing on top of you. 

"You're pretty clumsy," Elsa laughs. 

"You got me there," you say, noticing that Elsa still hadn't gotten off of you. Your eyes flick to her lips, and your breath catches when you see her do the same. 

You lean in, and press your lips slowly against hers. Fireworks explode inside of you, and you feel yourself smiling, finally getting to do what you had wanted to do since forever. Her lips were soft, and gently moving against yours. 

You move one hand to her waist and the other to the side of her cheek. Elsa pulls away first, remembering that air is necessary to live. 

"I've always wanted to do that," Elsa says, pressing her forehead against yours. She was blushing slightly, her eyes anywhere but yours. 

"Me too," you say, and kiss her again. You pull away, and Elsa throws a snowball at your face. She laughs at your expression. 

You sputter for a few moments before saying, "Oh, it's on."

You spent the rest of the morning having a snowball battle, Elsa obviously winning. After you were exhausted and couldn't lift another snowball, you headed backing the castle. 

You look at the smooth ice floor, an idea forming in your mind. 

"You know, my skating skills have really improved," you say. 

"Yeah, they have," Elsa says slowly, not knowing where you were going with this. 

You take her hand and kiss the back, "May I have this dance?"

"Of course," Elsa says with a smile. You smile back, and pull her closer to you. You swayed to an invisible beat, twirling her around the room. 

She laughs, her eyes showing pure adoration for you. You slowed the dance a little, and look into her beautiful blue eyes. You lean in and capture her lips in a sweet kiss. She hums contently and wraps her arms around your neck while yours rest around her waist. 

"I would love to continue," you say pulling away, "But I should get some meat." 

"I'm not hungry," Elsa says, and her stomach growls. 

"I won't be long," you say, and press a soft kiss to her lips. 

A/N: Sorry guys. I published this again because there was some problem saving it, and there was only a few paragraphs when I checked it, so I had to rewrite the rest of the chapter. The outline of the chapter is still here, but I can't remember everything that I wrote so there'll be a few changes. Sorry about that. 

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora