Chapter 6: Disastrous Afterparty

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The music is playing, the chocolate smells delicious, and people are dancing. You observe people introducing themselves to the new Queen, and after she begins talking with Anna, so you decide to wait until later to talk to Elsa. 

In that time, you decide to dance with someone around your age, and drink a glass of wine after. You saw Anna dancing with the handsome ginger, and the crowd started to clear around Elsa, so you took your chance. 

"Your majesty, what an honour," you say, with a bow. Elsa laughs, and you stand back up with a smile. 

"Are you drunk, or just acting like usual," she asks playfully. 

"The latter, though if you wish to drink some of that delicious wine, don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall," you wink and she blushes. 

"Thank you for distracting me," Elsa says quietly. 

"No problem," you smile. The music begins to play a slow song, and you look at her, "May I have this dance, gorgeous?" You bow slightly with a grin. 

She nods with a cute smile, "Just watch out for the Duke of Weselton, I declined him dance."

"Noted," you say. You take Elsa's hands and gently take her gloves off. You hear her sharp intake of breath, but she doesn't stop you. You place them on a table behind her. You take Elsa's bare hand in one of yours, and let the other rest slightly above her waist. 

"Much better, don't you think," you ask softly, wondering if you went too far. She nods, and relaxes at your touch. Elsa put her hand on your shoulder, and you two swayed to the music. 

You don't say anything and neither does she. You just dance, looking into each others eyes. At one point, you start to lean in glancing at her lips before looking back into her gorgeous blue eyes. Elsa's eyes widen a little, and she also leans in. Just as you were about to kiss, people start to clap. You jolt away and look around. The dance ended, and people were clapping. 

"Queen Elsa, I would like to introduce you to-" someone says. Elsa pulled away from you, rather reluctantly, and turned to the man. 

"I'll be back," you mouth. 

"Gloves," Elsa pleadingly mouths back. You produce water with a swish of your wrist and the gloves appear in Elsa's hands 5 seconds later, somewhat wet. She thanks you with a nod. 

You walk to the food table, 5 steps away, and pour yourself some wine. You hear Anna go up to Elsa and introduce the ginger man, Hans, to her. You take a sip of the drink, and hear her ask for Elsa's blessing for their marriage. You almost spit the wine back out. Who marries a man they just met? Elsa echoes your thoughts a second after. 

You see Elsa glance at you out of your peripheral vision, and you pretend to be interested in your wine. Such a deep pigment of red. Darker than the sunset, but lighter than blood. Nice colour. 

You hear Elsa tell the guards that the party was over and to close the gates. You hear Anna start to raise her voice at Elsa, and you look up. Anna was following a nervous looking Elsa who was walking away. People were starting to look at the pair. 

"Enough, Anna," Elsa looked to you for help. 

"Anna, come on. Leave Elsa alone," you say, trying to pull her away. Anna pushed you aside, and continued to shout to her sister. 

"What are you so afraid of," Anna yelled, holding Elsa's glove.

"Anna-" you start to warn. 

"I said enough," Elsa shouts back, and a wall of icy spikes appears between Elsa and the citizens of Arendelle, forming sort of a semicircle. People start to whisper, and the Duke of Weaselton says something like "sorceress". 

Elsa fearfully looks at everyone, and locks her eyes with your pleading ones. You shake your head imperceptibly, begging her not to go. 

"Elsa," you hear Anna whisper. You break your eye contact with Elsa and look at Anna, who is staring at Elsa with a mixture of distress, sympathy and understanding of why Elsa's been hiding herself. 

Elsa runs off, and Anna calls after her. The murmuring becomes louder, with calls of witchcraft, sorceress, and monster being the most prominent words. 

"Queen Elsa is not who you fear she is," you say, but they were talking so loud you could not be heard over their voices. You give up on trying to convince them after a couple of tries, and run to find Elsa. 

You see her, scared and trying to escape the clapping citizens. "Elsa," you shout. She turns towards you, as she touches the rim of a fountain, turning the water into a scary sculpture of ice. She stared at it in horror. Now the citizens quieted down. 

The Duke called for someone to stop Elsa, and to which she replied to stay away from her, her ungloved hand inadvertently sending ice towards the Duke. He slipped, and people gasped, backing away from the Queen. 

"Monster," the Duke shouts from the steps. 

"She is not a monster," you say, but it's pointless. People started to back away from Elsa. She looked at her hands, and then at the citizens retreating from her. 

Elsa took her chance and ran, people creating a path for her. You ran after her. 

"Elsa!" you hear Anna call faintly behind.

Elsa stops at the fjord, looking at the water. She looked behind her, spotting you and Anna. She stepped on the water and it froze beneath her feet. Looking up, she began to run, an ice trail following her. 

You ran on the ice, forming a layer of water that Anna wouldn't be able to see. Anna tried to run after her sister, but slipped on the ice. Hans helped her up. 

Three quarters away from the mountains, Elsa slipped on the ice and fell. You helped her up, and said quickly, "I know you're scared. I'm not going to say anything about your powers because you won't listen to me in this state. Go up into the mountains, it'll be hard to find you there. The North mountain is the best. Use your ice to create a bridge or something across a ravine then destroy it so no one can follow you. I'll do my best to reassure Arendelle, but Anna will be the one they listen to. Please leave a trail of something so I can come up and find you later." 

Elsa nodded, "Okay. And thank you." 

"Here," you produce the water horse, except identical to a real horse. "Ride him into the mountains. It's a hard hike at first, and he'll get you through the toughest bit. He'll last for about an hour, that's all I can keep him for." 

Elsa hugs you quickly before getting onto the horse and across the fjord. The last thing you saw was her purple cape flying behind her in the breeze while she rode your horse into the mountains. 

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now