Chapter 12: Prison

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You have been sitting on the prison bed for half an hour, alternating between glancing at the unconscious platinum blonde, and staring at the thick snow out the window. You had woken up to your head throbbing, and couldn't go back to sleep.

You were in the cell next to Elsa's, and there was a hole in the stone that allowed you to see her. It was cold in the cell, whether it was from the winter outside or the ice Queen in the next cell, you weren't sure. 

You had several scrapes and shallow cuts, your lip was busted, your ribs bruised, your nose bled every now and then (though it wasn't broken), and you had a major concussion. 

You lean your head against the wall, the chains on your hands clinking together as you moved. You wanted to sleep, but the pain everywhere was so immense that you couldn't. You close your eyes. 

Fifteen minutes later, you hear Elsa beginning to stir. You hear chains moving, and the pattern suggested that Elsa was trying to free herself from them. 

"It's not use," you say, eyes still closed, "You can't get out of here. I tried melting the chains, but my fire doesn't work in cold temperatures and they took my fire vial.  And I tried loosening the chains with water but that doesn't work either."

"What have I done," Elsa says, and you open your eyes. She wasn't looking at you. You see her looking at the snow outside her cell window. You say nothing, knowing there was nothing you could say that would comfort her.

You hear Elsa's door open, and see Hans step in and put his lantern on a bench.

"Why did you bring me here," Elsa demanded. 

"I couldn't just let them kill you," Hans said, his breath showing in the air. He rubbed his arms and crossed them across his chest. 

"But I'm a danger to Arendelle," Elsa said imploringly. "Get Anna."

"Anna has not returned," Hans said slowly. Elsa looked out the window at the snow.

"If you would just stop the winter, bring back summer, please," Hans pleaded. 

"Don't you see, I can't," Elsa said miserably. Hans processed that, something dawning on his face. 

"You have to tell them to let me go," Elsa said, her voice shaking. 

"I will do what I can," Hans said sadly. He gave her a sympathetic smile and exited the cell. Elsa watched him leave, then looked down at the metal surrounding her hands, which were beginning to freeze. 

"I don't trust him," you say. 

"Y/N," Elsa said, relieved. 

"Hello, gorgeous," you say, but without your usual energy.

"I thought they brought you somewhere else." she says.  

"Nope, I'm here," you say tiredly. Elsa looks through the hole in the stone, and sees your injuries. 

"I'm alright," you say as she opens her mouth. She scoffs. 

"Really, I am. I think I did more damage to them than they did to me," you say. 

"I"m sorry I got you into this," she says, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's my fault. I chose to stay with you, you didn't make me." 


You shake your head, "I wanted to stay with you, and even if you didn't want me to I would've stayed anyway. And I don't care that we're in a cell, I would've still made the same decision to stay with you. I don't regret anything." 

Elsa shakes her head but smiles at you, 'You're crazy." You notice the ice on her chains spreading on the floor and ceiling, making the wood creak. 

"I am. And I have a crazy idea," you say, "Fire and water couldn't get these chains off, but water and ice can." 

"I'm listening," Elsa says, interested. 

"I'll send water into the metal covering your hands, and then you'll freeze it. Ice occupies, I think, 9% more volume than water does, so the metal will eventually bust open. We'll have to do it quickly though, because I think the ginger will be back soon." 

"I can't believe you thought of that," Elsa says.

"I'm brilliant aren't I," you smirk. Water leaks out of your chains and towards Elsa. When it reaches her, she freezes it. You keep sending water, and after 2 minutes her cuffs break. 

"Great, now get out of here," you say hurriedly. 

"What? I'm not leaving you here," Elsa says, pressing her hands against the wall and freezing it. 

"As you wish," you grin. The once the hole in the wall becomes big enough, Elsa walks into your cell. Your cuffs come off 3 minutes later, and your return Elsa's hug. 

"How are we going to get out of here," Elsa asks you. 

"Freeze everything," you say. 

"Won't you be cold," she asks, worried. 

You shake your head, "It's good for my injuries." Elsa does as you tell her, and around thirty seconds before she's done, you hear a banging on the cell door. 

"It's frozen shut," a muffled voice says. Elsa's ice finally breaks through the wall to the outside. 

You grin and take Elsa's hand, " Let's go, gorgeous." 

Frozen: Fire and Ice (Elsa x Reader - Gender Neutral)Where stories live. Discover now