"Eunhee, this is Wooyoung, my best friend!"

Best friend.

Best friend.

The world around Wooyoung stopped. He paused breathing for a second scanning the females' face for one more time as his heart broke into pieces all over again.

Best Friend.

He never thought he would hate those two words so much.  One day. Never.

Best Friend.

This best friend of yours was having crazy thoughts about you yesterday all night before he went to sleep and did things that he shouldn't. Things that he regrets all over when he wakes up.

Best Friend.

Fuck that! Fuck no, I don't want to be your best friend Choi San. I wanna kiss your neck.

Best Friend.

Wooyoung's gaze diverted over to no one but the boy his eyes only claimed to see in a way they never did see someone before. Every time Choi San's reflection showed on his pupils they grew, his blood pressure increased vastly and so his heartbeat. His skin itched as if craving for it. Craving to touch the flimsy boy. His tongue went over his lips just to wetten them. He couldn't believe it. It was all real. He finally came to the realization that whatever was going on it was all in his head.

Choi San and Him.

It was all in his head.

It was unreal. Jung Wooyoung never, never had the chance for the younger and he also never would be able to.

As his lips sank onto his thick lips just to prevent himself from the tears that came up, he chuckled shaking it away.

"I'm sorry San, I gotta go."

And just like that, he passed by the blonde male who was giving him a confused glance. His shoulder brushed San's and for a millisecond he felt the electricity running through his veins making him alone shiver at the slightest touch. But that's all that it took the latter for a tear to fall down his cheek.

He thought it was able to hide it. But he didn't know and noticed the way someone's attention was closely drawn to him.

And he also didn't know that Choi San noticed the tear rolling down his cheek.

And that's also when Choi San called for him, but Jung Wooyoung ignored it, almost even running away, away from everything. As everything also faded and so the sweet boy's voice too.

It all was left behind.

And that for a while.


The sound of a cup being set on a table echoes the small yet very great and cozy-looking sphere in one of the most beautiful coffee shops Korea's.

"So you loser ran away just after he introduced you to his girlfriend ?"

The familiar boy in front of the purple one had crossed his arms while his expression on his face could resemble a mad puppy. A white cloth was wrapped around his waist on which his name was engraved on it, tiny under to his shoulders almost on his chest.

Kang Yeosang

Jung Wooyoung's hands hugged the coffee cup before he brought it to his nose, comfortably much sniffing the aroma letting it run through his veins to calm him down, before his lips wrapped the edge softly and he took a sip.

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