I then saw Remus and the girl find a hole in the flames and start running toward Harry. I ran after them. Mostly after Remus.

I disappeared in black smoke and traveled to where Harry was with Ginny. I hid in the grass, waiting for Remus to come. I will get vengeance.

"Harry...." I said creepily, trying to distract him like father had told me too.

"Harry... Potter..." I whispered. He started panting because he could clearly hear me. Someone then stood right next to me which made me jump slightly.

"Bella." I hissed quietly. She put her finger to her lips. Then shot several nonverbal curses at Harry and Ginny, they blocked them all. Then Remus and the girl came racing toward Harry and deflected the curses Bella was throwing at them. I tried to attack Remus but Bella held me back.

Arthur came racing in even though I didn't see him run after them. They all looked.... scared.

"I thought you all were brave. I thought you were in gryffindor." I laughed coldly.

"Besides the odd one out of course." I cackled.

"Rose." Arthur murmured.

"You're correct sir." I said shrilly. Bella gave me a signal to leave. I nodded and me, Greyback, and Bella all disappeared in black smoke and traveled toward the burrow. We flew through it and it burst into flames. As I flew around the house I saw the nursery. All of it... went up in flames. But Rosie wasn't there. She was on the ground.... safe with the Weasleys. We started to travel back to the Manor when a hex was shot my way. It hit me mid flight and I shouted for Bella. The black smoke started to disappear as I started to slowly go down. But as soon as the last grain was gone. I started to fall at full speed.

"Ana!" Bella shouted. A big hush of wind blew me west, back toward the burrow. Away from Bella and Greyback. I didn't even have time to feel the rough ground. I passed out before I could do anything.

Harry's POV:

I started at in horror. The burrow was gone. Ron's home. Ginny's home. Fred and George's home. Rosie's home. He sighed as Molly started to cry onto Arthur's shoulder. Rosie was already crying but Molly passed her to Hermione to try and calm her since she was clearly the best at it.

I then saw someone or something fall from the sky! It had a black hood that blended into the night. But it was definitely a person! I ran over to Ron who had tears in his eyes.

"Ron! Someone just fell from the sky!" I patted his shoulder.

"What? You're being delusional Harry. No one-"

"I think it was a death eater!" I cut him off. His eyes widened.

"Hermione!" Ron called her. She walked over with a now semi-calm Rosie.

"We think a death eater just fell from the sky." Ron concluded. She raised her eyebrows.

"Where?" I pointed at the direction they fell from.

"It couldn't hurt to investigate." She shrugged.

"Molly!" Molly looked up from Arthur's shoulder.

"We are going to search the area for any possible death eaters that decided to stick around." Molly nodded slowly before going back to crying.

"Tonks! Can you take care of Rosie please?" Hermione asked. Tonks nodded and she took Rosie.

"Come on. Ginny, Fred, George. Come with us and help!" Hermione ordered as we ran to the area I located. We ran deep into the grass as we searched and searched for something!

LOVED BY A MALFOY | D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now