"Darius," she whispered, her voice filled with a blend of anguish and joy. Darius's gaze softened, his own eyes shimmering with emotions that mirrored her own. He reached out, gently taking the flower from her, his touch a reassurance that they were still together, despite the forces that sought to tear them apart.

His eyes, tired yet filled with a profound tenderness, locked onto hers. "I'm here, Reyna," he replied, his voice laced with a mix of weariness and determination.

Reyna's arms wrapped tightly around Darius, her fears and anxieties melting away in the warmth of his presence. His scent filled her senses, and she could feel the steady beat of his heart against her chest. It was a tangible reassurance that he was here, alive and safe in her embrace.

Tears welled up in Reyna's eyes again, a mixture of relief and pent-up emotions cascading down her cheeks. She held onto him as if she could never let go, as if by holding him tightly enough, she could protect him from any harm that might come his way.

Darius's arms encircled her in return, pulling her closer, as if seeking solace in her presence just as much as she sought it in his. They stood there, holding each other, in a silent understanding of the weight they had carried through the night.

Time seemed to stand still as they clung to each other, their breathing slowly synchronizing, their heartbeats merging into a steady rhythm. It was a moment of sanctuary amidst the chaos of their lives, a brief respite from the trials they faced.

When she pulled away and took in Darius, she smiled. His warm fingers traced her cheeks, caressing her skin and slowing down her stream of tears.

Without a word, their lips gravitated towards each other, their breaths mingling in the space between them. In that fleeting moment, time stood still as their mouths met in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. Reyna got lost in that kiss. The world around faded into insignificance, all worries she'd had overshadowed by the feel of him there.

When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads rested against each other. But as the weight of their shared moment settled, Darius's gaze turned somber, and a sense of urgency colored his voice. "Reyna," he began, his tone filled with a mix of regret and determination, "I need to tell you something."

Reyna's brows furrowed in concern, sensing the gravity of his words. She tightened her grip on him, silently urging him to continue.

"There are plans in motion," Darius confessed, his voice heavy with conflict. "My people... they're preparing to attack yours."

Shock washed over Reyna as she absorbed his revelation. The reality of their circumstances crashed upon her, threatening to shatter the fragile peace they had found in each other's arms. Fear mingled with heartache, tearing at her soul as she grappled with the impossible choices before them, "When?"

"Maybe tomorrow or in two days, that's why I'm here, I needed to visit my village and gather the warriors from there." He replied.

"So you'll leave again?" She asked, not hiding the sadness visible on her expression.

"I have to go, but trust me I'd rather stay with you." He said honestly and she nodded. "You know how to take care of yourself, Reyna, I don't doubt that. You will fight through this war."

His words struck her deep. She'd been training ever since she'd landed on Earth, yet she wasn't entirely sure she could handle this war.

"Promise me." Darius whispered, "Promise  that you will stay safe, that you'll protect yourself and your people."

Reyna nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their impending separation. "I promise," she whispered back, her voice filled with both love and sorrow.

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