1. Introduction

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Hello fella humans! I'm Ryan (short for Reagan cause Reag sounded kinda lame) and I'm here typing my life on the internet cause I felt the need for people to recognize the Non-Binary community is real, that we are valid and not just confused, and that we all will stand united until and unless we are given equal rights... OK WELCOME TO MY TED TALK.

So basically to sum up why I'm writing this journal is because of me having an urge of being heard, of what I think since everyone at school thinks I'm that awkward dyke that cares for no-one but "herself", some of my school friends think of me as an abomination. I am an introvert and hate to socialize with new people, I get panic attacks suddenly when I am very low, I am mostly depressed due to chest dysphoria. 

Ok, so I won't bore y'all anymore and will wrap up this entry. If you want someone you can talk to feel free to send me a dm on Instagram (namaste_its_reagan)



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