Chris Chambers X Reader

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You, Chris, Gordie, and Teddy sat in the treehouse, surrounding the small table in themiddle

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You, Chris, Gordie, and Teddy sat in the treehouse, surrounding the small table in the
middle. You stared at the magazine in front of your face and tapped your feet to the music from the radio, but also keeping a keen eye on Chris's cards. Every time he insulted Teddy you could help but giggle under your breath.

"How to you know if a Frenchman's been in your backyard?"
"Hey, I'm French okay." Chris continued ignoring Teddy, "Your garbage cans are empty and your dogs pregnant." You snorted and Chris laughed harder at you then he was already. "Didn't I just say I was French?"
"I knock."

"Twenty Nine."
"Twenty Two"
"Oh! Piss up a rope!" Gordie threw his cards down and threw his arms up.
"Oh Gordies out! Ole Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door!" Teddy laughed obnoxiously and you shot him a look. "Lay off him Teddy." Gordie smiled and Chris looked your way.

The thing about Chris, and only your brother Gordie knew, was you liked him. And he was kind of oblivious, thank god or he would've known by Gordie's not so subtle jokes and him constantly putting you beside each other.

"I knock." You turned your head towards Chris as he yelled, "You four eyed pile of shit!" You laughed and Chris turned to you with a smile.
"This pile of shit had a thousand eyes." You all looked at each other and burst out laughing at Teddys stupid remarks. "What? What's so funny? Come on I've got 30 what'd you got?"

Chris sighed, "sixteen."You all turned your attention to knocking at the trap door. "That's not the secret knock." "I forget the secret knock! Come on guys, let me in!" You all looked at each other again, "Vern!" Gordie opened the door and Vern stumbled inside. "Oh man, you guys are not gonna believe this," Vern between heavy breaths, "This is so boss. Oh, man wait'll you hear this. You won't believe it. It's unbelievable. Let me catch my breath. I ran all the way here."

Chris and you shared a look and immediately though the same thing, "I ran all the way home! Just to say I'm sorry, sorry." Vern looked at us eagerly, " Come on guys. Listen to me," You continued to sing, "Guys, come on! Okay forget it! I'll tell you nothing." Chris rested his hand on your thigh and quieted you down. "Alright Alright, what is it man?"
"Okay, great, you won't believe this, sincerely." 
We sang once again, Teddy and Gordie joining in, "I ran all the way home!"

"Screw your guys." You looked at Vern and quieted everyone down, taking Chris's cigarette out of his hand. "What is it Vern" You took a puff from the cigarette, coughing, and Chris gave you a smirk as he took it back. "Ok, can you guys camp out tonight? I mean if you tell your folks your camping out in my back field?

"Yeah I think so. My dads kinda been on a mean streak. Y'know , he's been drinking a lot lately." Chris's grip tightened on your thigh making you blush and Gordie chuckles as he noticed your red face. You knew why Chris's grip tightened. You had witnessed Chris's dad in action, hanging out with Chris probably wasn't the smartest idea that day, especially at his house.

"You've got to man, sincerely. You won't believe this. Can you Gordie?" Gordie have his response but you weren't listening, you were busy looking at Chris's hand, still placed on your thigh.

"So what are you pissing and moaning about Verno?" Chris's grip left your thigh as he knocked the table but it feel back to your thigh afterwards. "I knock."
"What! You liar, you ain't got no pat-hand!
"Make your draw shitheap." Chris chuckled and as did you.

"You guys wanna see a dead body?" Everyone's attention turned back to Vern.

Time skip to when their on the railroad~

Gordie, Teddy and Vern walked ahead of you and Chris. You were pretty convinced that Gordie had told everyone except for Chris at this point. "So..."
"So." You chuckled as Chris grabbed your hand. Wait! He grabbed your hand. "Chris?" You looked up at him and his lips instantly met yours. He placed his forehead against yours, "y/n I really like you. Like really really like you."
"I really like you too Chris. Like really really like you." He wrapped his arm around you smiling.

"Holy hell! Finally! It's about time you got together." You looked towards Teddy, Gordie, and Vern. "What's that supposed to mean Teddy?"
"Oh my god. The sexual tension between you two is bizarre!" You blushed a deep crimson red and looked towards Chris who just shrugged. He coughed and grabbed your hand gently.

"We should keep walking. We have a long way to go." You nodded and stared ahead at the railroad, dreading the moment you mood would be ruined much later.

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