Eggsy Unwin X Reader -Pt 1

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"If Dean treats your mum so bad, why doesn't she leave him?""Low self-esteem

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"If Dean treats your mum so bad, why doesn't she leave him?"
"Low self-esteem. That's her problem."
"Fuck off."
"Why would she have low self esteem. Eggsys mum is well fit. No offence bruv."
"It's alright."

You sat in the bar with Eggsy, Jamal and Ryan. Although you weren't really paying attention to the conversation at hand. Eggsy sat beside you, resting his hand on the table in front of you. His grip tighten on his glass slightly.

"One of these days, I'm gonna smash his face in."
"Are you mental cuz? He's just gonna get that lot to do you, and then pretend he knew nothing about it." Just then you noticed the people sitting beside you. Deans Gang. "Are you taking a piss bruv?" You whispered to Eggsys friends.

Rottweiler, the main person of the gang, stood up quickly, almost knocking over your chair. "You think you can chat shit about us and we won't do anything just because our guvnors banging Eggsys mum?" You moved your chair away slightly, as Rottweiler was now hovering over you.

Eggsy chuckled and grabbed your hand gently, looking back up at Rottweiler, "Pretty much, yeah."
"Eggsy leave it man. Let's just go." You tugged at Eggsys jacket wanting to leave.
Rottweiler leaned in, "you've outstayed you're welcome. Leave."
Eggsy got up in his face, "I'm sorry about that bruv." He grabbed your arm and walked out.

"They weren't fucking worth it." You nodded towards Jamal and looked back at Eggsy.
"It's freezing, why are we walking?" He held up his hands to show car keys.
"You jacked his fucking car keys bruv!" You looked at him with wide eyes but it turned into a smile as you locked eyes with Rotts car. "Yeah, and now we're gonna nick his car." You smirked at Eggsy and climbed in the front seat beside him, Jamal and Ryan getting in the back.

You held on tight to the car through the open window as Eggsy did fast donuts. You yelled in joy and stuck up the middle finger to Rott. "Fuck you bruv."
"Floor it Eggsy!" Eggsy hit the gas hard and you all yelled wanker into Rotts face as you passed.

As you turned the first corner, you immediately started getting chased by the police, but Eggsy improvised and drove backwards. This continued for awhile until a cat ran into the road. Eggsy swerved and ran into a lamp post.
"They're vermin, cuz. You should've hit it."
"I should've done a lot of things." The police car stopped in front of you and Eggsy looked back at you guys. "I'll sort this get out the car." Jamal and Ryan got out instantly but you stayed. "Im not leaving Eggsy."
"Y/N I said get out the fucking car." You grabbed his arm roughly, "I said no."
"Aw fuck y/n." He pressed on the gas and rammed the front of the car into the police car.

The next day you and Eggsy sat in the police station for questioning. "Y/n, Eggsy, there is no such thing as honour amongst thieves. Now you can start giving me some names or you can go down" He stared the cop dead in the eyes and said, "I wanna exercise my right to a phone call." The cop sighed but smirked, "Well I hope it's your mum, to tell her your gonna be 18 months late for your dinner." He walked out leaving you and Eggsy sitting there.

"You wanna call first?" He seemed a little confused at his words. He knew you had no one to call. Your dad left when you were 7 around the same time Eggsys dad left him so you two were best friends. Your mum never seemed to care much about you after, so you basically lived with Eggsy until Dean moved in. Now you've got nothin.

You shook your head and handed him the phone. It all happened so fast after that. He called some number and you two were released in minutes. You walked out beside each other, both extremely confused. You continued down the steps until being stopped by a man in a tuxedo.

"Y/n, Eggsy, would you like a lift home?"
"Uh, who are you?"
"The man who got you released."
"That ain't an answer."
"A little gratitude would be nice. I'm Harry."

After a little small talk, you ended up back at the pub. You spaced out thinking about the events that happened not even 24 hours ago. You got back into reality when you heard Eggsy yelling about the marines. "It's not his fault his mom went off her rocker. Bloody crying all over him." Harry's attention was now on you but went back to Eggsy almost instantly, " She didn't want me being a cannon fodder for snobs like you. Judging people like us in your ivory towers with no doubt about why we do what we do. We ain't got much choice, you get me?"

Harry's attention went back to you.
"And y/n, I know you don't have much anymore. But really? You've been arrested twice this month."
"Do you think I have anywhere else to go bruv? Like I'd go to Eggsys house. I'd rather spend my entire life in a cell then have to sit in the same room as Dean." Eggsy grabbed your knee gently making you calm down. Harry looked quite taking back. "I tried my best. I stayed with Eggsy. I got farther then he did in that stupid gymnastics shit. I've got nothin left to lose."

The door opened causing you to look over at the obviously angry group of boys. "The fuck you doing here? Are you takin a piss?"
"C'mon y/n let's go." Eggsy grabbed your hand ready to leave but Harry stopped it. "Nonsense I haven't finished my drink."

Rott told Harry to leave and Harry stood walking to the door, before hearing the rude remarks. He stopped at the door and locked it slowly. "Manners. Maketh. Man. Do you know what that means?" The boys stayed quiet, "Well let me show you."

You sat behind Eggsy watching as glass broke and flew everywhere. Harry was kicking the gangs ass. You couldn't be more happy. The fight ended and Harry came back over to the table casually finishing his drink. He stood up, "Now I do apologize, I shouldn't have done this in front of you." He pointed his dart watch thingy towards Eggsy. Eggsy raised his hands, "No please! I won't say nothing I swear. If there's one I can do, it's keep my mouth shut."
"You won't tell a soul?"
"Ask the feds, we've never grassed anyone up."
"Is that a promise?"
"On my life." Harry pointed it to you and you raised your hands as well but Eggsy got in front of you. "She's good, I trust her with my life."

You walked with Eggsy towards his house, talking about the incident. He walked inside and you followed behind almost falling from the immediate impact of his back hitting the fridge. "I wanna know who you was with at the pub!" Dean screamed in Eggsys face. "I don't know what your fucking on about." You tried to pull Dean back but he hurled you towards the wall. He came over to you lifting you up by your throat. "Who were you with." You glared at him and spat in his face, clawing at his hands. "We weren't with anyone you prick.." Dean through you towards the door and Eggsy tried to get to you but fell back to the fridge when Dean pulled out a knife.

He went up to Eggsy waving it in his and your face. "I could kill you right now, and not a single soul would notice." All of a sudden Harry's voice echoed through the house.

"But I would, I have enough evidence on your activities to have you locked up for the rest of your life...." (I don't wanna write it all im really lazy at this point). "Eggsy, Y/n meet me at the tailor shop I told you about." You and Eggsy slipped out the door instantly seeing Rott and the rest of the gang. "Aw damnit." You tried to go down the stairs but one came up them. "Fuck.."
"Y/n, this way."
You turned to Eggsy who was jumping down the building by the bars. You followed after him quickly getting to the bottom right after him.
You couldn't be more excited to get to the shop.

(Part 2 anyone? I'm really sorry I would write more but this is really long already and I'm tired.)

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