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You sigh in defeat as your dad practically drags you out of the car.

"come on ___. This is for your own good." He says, pulling at your arm. You feel anger bubble up inside you and you fight it. Spitting out at him.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" you say, feeling like a two year old as he finally pulls you out of the car, keeping a hold on your arm as he pulls you firmly towards the big building he had parked in front of.

 You allow him to drag you inside where nurses immediately surround you. Your dad hands one of them a piece of paper the judge had given him to the nurse behind the counter. One nurse grabs your arm and you pull it out of her grasp raising your lip in anger.

"____!" you dad says, calming you down almost instantly. "you need to go with them, I'll be back, just- try to... be nice." Your dad says. You see the emotions stirring in his eyes and you sigh, letting the nurse take your arm and lead you away. Your dad turns away from you and starts walking to the door. The nurse turns you around and you quickly glance over your shoulder and just before the door closes you see your dad pushing one of the doors open.

You face forward, trying to keep your eyes dry. One of the nurses pats your shoulder in sympathy, you shake her hand off and look straight ahead. The nurses bring you to a room with two beds and you stand in the middle of the room, looking at the only window which had bars across it.

Eventually you realize that your face is wet and you wipe away the tears. You move to one of the beds and sit down on the bleak gray covers. You look down at your hands, which had healed a bit but were still showing signs of the fight. Your bruises had all faded three days ago and the cut you sustained on your arm was now scabbed over.  You lay on the bed and slowly your mind drifts off to that weird place between being awake and being asleep.

You wake to someone walking into the room. The man was big and burly, with arm muscles bigger than your thighs.

"Let's go." He says crossing his arms. you stand up slowly and walk out of the door, looking back to see if he was going to point you in the right direction. Instead he takes your arm and drags you down the hall.

His hands dig into your arm uncomfortably, and the one time you stumble he jerks on your arm and looks at you like you're going to try to stick a pencil in his neck.

After many twists and turns he finally stops and shoves you roughly into a room. The room was small, it had white-wash walls and tiled floors with a tall examination table in the middle of the room. In the florescent light the table seemed to be glowing in an eerie light.

"oh hell no." you mutter, backing away from the thing. You wanted to look around the rest of the room, but your eyes seemed to be glued to the examination table. Someone walks into the room and you turn quickly towards them, already on the defensive.

"Hello ___, Dr.Geamer and I are going to ask you a series of questions okay?" when you don't answer she looks up from her notes glancing between you and the examination table.

"Oh, never mind the table, we are going in here." She pulls open a door and walks in, gesturing for you to follow.



hey, sorry for the 2 prologues that are cleverly disguised by using the non-existent word PreStory :p im going to make this as close to a wwyff quiz as i can get in a story, so bare with me and tell me how i can make it better.

thanks for reading! enjoy the story!

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