Chapter 76

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Jennie walked towards the living room to the disjointed sounds of the piano keys being clumsily pushed. Smiling, she looked over at the piano as she carried the tray into the room. "Already trying to turn her into a child prodigy?" Jennie asked Chaerin.

"Oh hush, she's enjoying it, aren't you sweetheart?" Chaerin asked the little girl sat in her lap, running her fingers through the dark curls.

"Yes, grandma," the little girl said, smiling up at her, as she pushed down on some more keys. "Look mommy, I'm doing it."

Jennie laughed as she set the tray down on the coffee table. "Well done, that's very good, darling. Come on, Seolhyun-doo, it's time for some lunch. You can play again afterwards."

Lifting the girl down off her lap, Chaerin smiled as she watched her run over to Jennie, who sat her down on the floor and put a plate down in front of her. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Jennie sat down on the sofa and picked up her own food as Chaerin came and sat down next to her. Jennie and Chaerin talked about the business for a few minutes as they ate their own lunch, while keeping an eye on the little girl as she watched TV.

"Planet Earth Two? Really, Jennie?" Chaerin snorted, looking at the TV. "Put something for kids on for her."

"She likes it, mom," Jennie rolled her eyes. "Besides, I checked and the only kid's film on at the moment is Stuart Little, and it's ridiculous. What kind of person adopts a mouse over a child? Can you imagine having to explain that to her? Besides, Lisa makes us watch Disney films every night so she's hardly missing out on anything."

"Mommy?" Seolhyun asked, looking up at Jennie with wide, blue eyes.

Jennie smiled at her. "Yes, honey?"

"Where's mama gone?" the little girl asked.

"Mama's gone to go and talk to her special friend about her week," Jennie explained. "And then she's going to see Auntie Rosé. She won't be long."

"I want to see Auntie Rosé," Seolhyun pouted. "And Auntie Jisoo."

"We can go and see them after we go to the park tomorrow," Jennie promised, and seeming content with the answer, went back to eating her celery stick and watching the penguins on the TV screen.

"I'm surprised you let Lisa out of your sight, to be honest," Chaerin laughed.

"It's therapy, mom, it's not exactly strenuous work," Jennie snorted.

"I know, but still. I'm surprised she agreed to finish work so early," Chaerin said. "I mean, I told her to, but I didn't think she'd listen. She's almost as stubborn as you."

Jennie smiled, shrugging slightly. "I didn't want her on her feet all day. Besides, it's given her more time with Seolhyun, so she's happy about that."

"Can the three of you stop by on Friday?" Chaerin asked. "Yuri and I aren't flying to the vineyard until that night, and I'd like to see her before we go. I think Yuri said Rosé will be picking her up on Thursday, but I'm sure Yuri would want to see more of her granddaughter."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Maybe we can all get lunch together," Jennie agreed. "There's that new Thai restaurant that Lisa wants to go to."

"Perfect," Chaerin smiled. "I've got some new research for Lisa to see too."

Jennie rolled her eyes at that. "Don't encourage her, mom. She'll be wanting to go back to work as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I've already told her she's not allowed back for at least six months," Chaerin assured her daughter, brushing the hair out of her face as she cupped her cheek. "How are you feeling? Nervous?"

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